10 signs your cat is happy!
There is nothing more pleasant than a purring fluffy pet on your lap. Every owner wants their cat to be happy. But purring is far from the only sign that your pet is doing well, there are other, less obvious signs.
photo: wikipet.ru
Top 10 Habits of a Happy Cat:
He gladly greets youwhen you wake up in the morning, or runs to meet you when you get home after a long day. Cats express emotions through body language – if after a long separation they are glad to see you, then this will definitely give out a highly raised straight tail, erect ears and an obsessive desire to rub against your legs so that you just have to test your sense of inner balance so that your pet inadvertently didn’t knock you over.
He speaks loudly to you. Everyone knows that cats meow, but their arsenal of sounds is not limited to this. In order to tell the owner that she wants to eat, jump into your arms or go outside, the cat uses different sounds. Purring is a clear indicator of happiness, but a cat’s desire to “talk” to you is generally a good sign. The higher the tone of the sound, the better, because low frequencies can indicate irritation or demand for something.
The way a cat sits or lies reflects its internal state. An unhappy pet will never settle down near you. The cheerful cat is resting, hiding its paws under its body and tucking its front paws in with half-closed eyes. This indicates that the animal feels safe. Another good sign is the supine position with the paws in the air.
He falls on your knees. In addition to the fact that the cat purrs and falls asleep on his knees, which are more obvious signs of happiness, there are others. Maybe you noticed how the cat pushes and kneads you with its paws, as if kneading the dough? This instinct goes way back to the animal’s childhood when they massage their mother’s mammary glands in this way to help produce milk. This sign signals that the cat is enjoying and truly trusting you.
A happy cat behaves confidently. She should have a natural interest in everything around and feel at home next to you. Maybe the pet will actively learn everything new, or maybe just sit quietly and watch with interest. A confident cat will hold its head high with wide eyes, have a good appetite, and be curious about its environment while twitching its tail. His mustache is relaxed and his ears point forward.
Cheerful cat has a playful temperament. Of course, older cats will be less active, but the desire to communicate with a person or other pets in a light, cheerful manner will still not go away. Sometimes a cat’s desire to play is noticeable by the way it lies on its side with a trembling tail. You don’t need to buy expensive toys for your pet at all, he will be happy with simpler entertainments, for example, running after a laser or playing with a ball or paper trinkets. After all, the point is not at all in toys, but in communication with the owner.
A healthy cat is a happy cat. These animals need to be well looked after, providing them with everything for health, both physical and emotional. If your pet enjoys life, then it will definitely be constantly groomed and groomed. He can lick other cats or even the owner. An unhappy cat is easy to spot – he stops looking after himself and becomes a little unkempt.
Cat happy with life always sleeps near you. However, if she finds a place as far and away as possible and sleeps longer than usual, this is an alarming bell. A happy animal spends less time sleeping and chooses its place carefully – with other pets or curled up on the couch next to the owner. So when a cat spends the night on the edge of your bed, it’s a sign that she has a lot of confidence in you.
A good appetite is also an indicator of happiness. The cat meows, asks for food, leads you to his bowl – in a word, shows that he knows who is the boss in the house and who looks after him. Cats are the smartest animals and very quickly learn how to manipulate you and get delicious treats. But such behavior is the most accurate sign of trust and happiness.
Does your pet bring you “gifts”? This is a wonderful indicator that the cat loves you and is ready to share the hard-caught and found prey with you, and this is a privilege that not everyone enjoys. This is the real trust. Of course, it’s not very nice if the pet left you a mouse in the kitchen or a pigeon under the bed (and this happens), but it all comes down to the fact that your cat just loves you. Only happy cats make such special gifts to their owners.
photo: wikipet.ru
We all want our pets to be happy, and now you know 10 more subtle signs that help you understand how your four-legged friend is feeling. A dead mouse on the floor, a purring cat in bed and a pet sociability? Congratulations, your cat is happy!