10 reasons to let your dog play

10 reasons to let your dog play

Some owners underestimate the role of play in a dog’s life. However, it is important and necessary for dogs to play – both with their own kind and with the owner. Why do dogs need games?

10 reasons to let your dog play

In the photo: the dog is playing. Photo: pixabay.com

  1. Games are indispensable socialization puppy. A kid who does not play with relatives, in adulthood experiences difficulties in communicating with them, can become cowardly-aggressive.
  2. If you do everything right, it is in the game that the dog gets used to the fact that, even communicating with other dogs, she still needs to keep an eye on the owner.
  3. Play is a great way encourage dog for doing the right thing.
  4. It is in the game that one gains dog contact with ownerм.
  5. The game allows train a dog anything.
  6. In games you can correct “bad” behavior dogs.
  7. In games, the dog learns the world around him and learns to control it, which means he forms confidence in himself.
  8. The game develops motivation and self-control dogs.
  9. Game is great cure for boredom.
  10. The game helps the dog improve physical fitness.

Want to learn more about dog games? Read here: Why should a dog play? 

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