10 amazing facts about dolphins

10 amazing facts about dolphins

Dolphins are amazing creatures. We have prepared a selection of 10 facts about these creatures.

  1. 10 amazing facts about dolphins Even the process of feeding the young takes place in them, like in all warm-blooded animals.
  2. Dolphins have smooth skin. Unlike many other aquatic creatures, they have no scales at all. And in the fins there are humerus bones and a semblance of digital phalanges. So in this they are not at all like fish. 
  3. 10 amazing facts about dolphins
  4. In nature, there are more than 40 species of dolphins. Their close relatives are sea cows.
  5. Dolphins, or rather, adults can weigh from 40 kg to 10 tons (killer whale), and their length is from 1.2 meters
  6. Dolphins cannot boast of a sense of smell, but they have excellent hearing and vision, as well as excellent echolocation.
  7. 10 amazing facts about dolphins
  8. Dolphins use sounds to communicate. According to one of the latest data, there are more than 14 variations of such signals, and this corresponds to the vocabulary of the average person.
  9. Dolphins are not loners, they form communities in which a rather complex social structure operates.
  10. 10 amazing facts about dolphins

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