Zumiz in dogs
Sometimes a dog starts running around like crazy for no apparent reason. Moreover, sometimes the dogs are rapidly gaining speed and are able to rush back and forth in a straight line or in circles, knocking down everything in their path. This is called “zumiz”. What is zoom in dogs and how best to respond to such bursts?
What is Zumiz in dogs?
Zumiz are also referred to as “periods of frenetic random activity”. There is a version that in this way the dog relieves stress and releases unspent energy. From time to time, both puppies and adult dogs allow themselves this. But if you watch zoomis often, you should think about whether your dog has enough physical and intellectual activity. Is your pet bored?
It happens that the zoom is provoked by a specific reason. For example, a four-legged friend saw his beloved owner after a long separation.
It happens that zoomis are “contagious”, and if one dog starts to run like a fighter, the second one joins.
It seems that during these bursts the dog does not hear the owner and does not respond to his signals.
Zooms last a maximum of a few minutes (but often less). After that, the dog looks completely tired. She can lie down and breathe heavily. And sometimes it takes a few minutes for the pet to come to his senses and become ready for new achievements.
What to do if you observe a zoom in a dog?
As a rule, such behavior is not a cause for concern. It’s just worth making sure that the dog runs in a safe place, does not crash into anything and does not jump out onto the road.
If the splash occurred indoors, it is better to remove fragile objects or objects that can injure the dog from the dog’s trajectory. Many pets are able to dodge obstacles in their path, but not all. If possible, lure your dog onto carpet so he doesn’t slip on tile, laminate, or parquet. And, of course, keep your dog away from the stairs.
If not one dog has zumiz, but several, and they are playing at the same time, it is worth observing that the game does not go beyond the limits of the norm and does not become excessively intense. Otherwise, it can turn into a fight.
If the zoom takes place in a dangerous place, it is worth trying to carefully catch the dog. If she doesn’t respond to the recall, use the emergency recall command (if you have one). You should not pursue a four-legged friend – most often this is perceived as a reinforcement and causes an even more violent reaction. Try to drag the pet along with you and lure it to a safe place. Then play a little so the dog doesn’t take it as a punishment.
As soon as the dog calms down, praise him and treat him with something tasty.
Keep in mind that zoomies are dangerous in hot weather, as the dog can overheat. Be sure to take drinking water with you outside for your pet. And keep an eye on it to notice signs of overheating or heat stroke in time.
But in general, rare zooms are normal dog behavior. And if the surge of energy occurred in a safe place, the pet will enjoy it. And you are from watching it.