Winter without an indoor arena: how to survive in the cold

Winter without an indoor arena: how to survive in the cold

Winter without an indoor arena: how to survive in the cold


Outdoor activities in winter are inevitable for most athletes: not all sports schools and equestrian centers have warm and covered arenas, so many riders are forced to practice outdoors in cold weather. We have put together 6 tips for you on how to keep warm in cold weather.

1. Warmers for hands and feet. There are some days so cold that any winter clothes will not cope, for such a case there are special compact heating pads, if you put them in your gloves or boots and your fingers will be saved.

2. Use lamps at the sink. Install heat lamps so you can give your horses a full bath in the winter without fear of catching a cold.

3. Balaclava. Balaclavas may look a little ridiculous and silly, but they are good protection from the wind on the street. Thanks to the balaclava, you will not get cold ears or neck, and also will not let your cheeks and chin get chapped.

4. Half full. Do not forget about such a miracle invention as a half-cloth – it will not allow your horse to catch a cold in the lower back while working on the street.

5. Warm up the snaffle. I think that no one would want an icy piece of metal put in his mouth, if your ammunition is heated, then there will be no problems, however, if you do not have a warm room, you can warm the snaffle under running hot water or just in your hands.

6. Don’t drive when it’s too cold outside. If you work a horse in very cold and dry weather, it can lead to mild pneumonia in the horse and frostbite in the rider. So if you see that the weather forecast does not bode well, stay at home with a warm mug of tea. Don’t put yourself or your horse in danger.


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