Why You Shouldn’t Let Everyone Pet Your Dog

Why You Shouldn’t Let Everyone Pet Your Dog

Some owners like it when their pet is admired on the street and asked to be stroked. They are ready to allow everyone to communicate with the dog. And they are very surprised that this is not worth doing. Why shouldn’t everyone be allowed to pet the dog?

Things to know before letting someone pet your dog

To begin with, it is worth remembering that not all dogs like to communicate with strangers. And even with friends. And not all forms of contact are pleasant to them. And the dog on this particular day may not be in the mood to communicate with passers-by, even if they really want to. And this is completely normal!

After all, how would you feel if a stranger ran up to you, patted your head or kissed you? It must be unpleasant to even imagine, isn’t it? So why should a dog tolerate this? Unless, of course, she is plush – these will endure everything.

If your dog enjoys interacting with people, petting, of course, is nothing to worry about. But how many owners can understand when their dog feels uncomfortable? And how many who want to communicate understand how to do it pleasantly for the dog and safely for themselves? Alas, those are a minority. Most people, including dog owners, are unable to read a dog’s discomfort signals.

And in this case, the situation becomes not just unpleasant. She becomes dangerous. Because if the dog is not understood, they cause him considerable discomfort and at the same time they do not let him leave, he has no choice but to threaten. And in the end, use your teeth.

What to do if you want your dog to be friendly

First of all, you need to learn to understand the pet: correctly read body language, notice discomfort in time. In this case, you will be able to correctly interpret the actions of the animal and prevent a situation that is uncomfortable for him or dangerous for everyone. And even if you allowed someone to communicate with your four-legged friend, you can interrupt this communication in a timely manner, distract the dog and leave.

Secondly, feel free to answer the question “Can I pet a dog?” – “Not”. No one will die if they don’t interact with your pet. In the end, if a person so wants to communicate with a dog, he can get his own.

Do not forget that dogs are not toys, but living beings. Who have the right to their opinion on the question of whether they need to communicate with strangers. And if the dog thinks it’s not necessary, don’t insist.

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