Why the red-eared turtle floats to the surface and does not sink (like a float)

Small nimble red-eared turtles are very active entertaining pets that you can watch with great pleasure for hours. An attentive owner most often pays attention if his pet floats like a float and does not sink in the water. In fact, such behavior is a very serious symptom of severe pathologies, which, without timely treatment, can result in the death of aquatic reptiles.
In what diseases does the red-eared turtle float to the surface like a float
The reason for the strange behavior of an exotic pet is a disease of the respiratory or digestive system.
Pneumonia in turtles occurs against the background of hypothermia and the penetration of pathogenic microflora into the lung parenchyma. With the development of the inflammatory process, exudate effusion occurs (fluid is released into the body cavity) and a change in the density of the lung tissue, leading to a roll. With unilateral pneumonia, the turtle falls on one side when swimming.
If the pet swims backwards and cannot dive, you can suspect the occurrence of tympania – bloating of the stomach. Pathology is characterized by dynamic intestinal obstruction and its overflow with gases. The main causes of tympania in turtles are a lack of calcium in the diet, a change of scenery, ingestion of foreign bodies and overfeeding.
With tympania and pneumonia, despite the different etiology, a similar clinical picture is observed:
- the turtle stretches its neck and breathes heavily through its mouth;
- refuses to eat;
- mucus and air bubbles are released from the oral cavity;
- there is a roll when swimming on the side or lifting the back of the body.
To clarify the diagnosis, it is recommended to consult a specialist, home treatment is fraught with aggravation of the animal’s condition, up to death.
What to do with a sick turtle?
Tympania and pneumonia are most often recorded in relatively young animals, while respiratory pathology accounts for only 10% of cases. Most waterfowl patients with diving dysfunction have gastric distention. Sometimes turtles get to veterinary specialists with simultaneous damage to the respiratory and respiratory systems.
Depending on the diagnosis, a small pet may be prescribed hunger with a further restorative diet, antibacterial, carminative, vitamin, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating drugs.
If a pet does not eat and constantly floats on the surface or refuses to enter the water at all, it is urgent to seek help from a specialist. With timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable, the turtle fully recovers in 10-14 days.
Why does the red-eared turtle swim and not sink like a bobber
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