Why the red-eared turtle does not grow, what to do?

Sometimes owners start to worry that their red-eared turtle is not growing, or one turtle is growing and the other is not. Before raising a panic and looking for competent herpetologists, it is recommended to understand the physiology of aquatic reptiles, the rules for their feeding and maintenance.
How do red-eared turtles grow at home?
Newborn aquatic turtles have a body length of about 3 cm. With proper care and feeding, babies grow up to 25-30 cm, sometimes there are record holders reaching body sizes up to 50 cm.
The most intensive growth of young animals is observed in the period from 3 months to 2 years, at which time the skeleton, shell and muscle muscles are formed. With proper care, two-year-old turtles reach a size of 7-10 cm. The situation is considered absolutely normal if, under the same conditions, the development of one individual is ahead of another.
From the third year of life, the growth of the animal continues at a slower pace, reptiles continuously grow up to 10-12 years. Females develop much more intensively and overtake males in weight and body size. If females grow up to 32 cm, the normal body length of males is about 25-27 cm.
What to do if red-eared turtles do not grow?
If by the age of two years the reptiles remain at the level of newborn turtles, the reason lies in the violation of the conditions for feeding and keeping cute reptiles.
Care errors and an unbalanced diet will inevitably lead to incurable pathologies in young animals and metabolic disorders that can cause the death of animals.
To maintain health and ensure the harmonious development of all organ systems, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for the life of young pets:
- a free aquarium with a volume of at least 150-200 liters for one individual;
- the presence of a convenient island with dimensions from 25 * 15 cm;
- the aquarium should not be completely filled so that the turtle can freely get out on land and warm up;
- installation of a daylight and ultraviolet lamp for reptiles with a UVB power of 8% or 10% at a height of about 40 cm;
- the water temperature in the aquarium should be at least 26C, on land -28-30C;
- the soil in the aquarium should be large in order to avoid swallowing it;
- installation of a water purification system;
- regularly need to wash and change the water in the aquarium;
- it is necessary to feed a young turtle daily, mature individuals eat 1 time in 3 days;
- the animal’s diet should consist of sea fish with bones, shellfish and snails with a shell, liver or heart, vegetables and herbs, dry food can only be used as an additive;
- during the growth period, it is necessary to provide the pet with vitamin and calcium-containing supplements.
With proper care, cute red-eared turtles grow sufficiently and intensively, an indicator of health in young individuals is not growth rate, but physical activity and excellent appetite.
What to do if the red-eared turtle does not grow
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