Why shouldn’t you walk your dog off a leash?
There are rules postulating that “walking pets must be carried out subject to the mandatory safety of citizens, animals, the safety of property of individuals and legal entities.”
The same rules state that when walking, the owner of the dog is obliged to “exclude the possibility of free, uncontrolled movement of the animal when crossing the carriageway of the highway, in elevators and common areas of apartment buildings, in the yards of such buildings, on children’s and sports grounds.”
It is forbidden to appear with a dog without a leash in shops and institutions.
When moving by all types of land transport, the dog must also be on a leash, and sometimes in a muzzle. You can let the dog off the leash only in specially designated fenced areas or in sparsely populated areas.

It should be remembered that the leash is not only a means of restricting the freedom of the dog, it is also a means of influencing the dog, a means of education. An owner who walks a puppy or a young dog without a leash runs the risk of teaching his pet to pick up food products from the ground, run far and run out onto the road, chase cats and pigeons, pester passers-by and dogs, and most importantly — ignore his commands. A command that is not confirmed / not approved by the leash is an empty phrase.
Until a young dog is brought up, you should not let him off the leash.
If you start walking a young dog without a leash ahead of time, he will quickly understand (differentiate) the difference “on a leash – off a leash.” And if this happens, then your whole subsequent life with a dog cannot be called happy.
And life, and even more so city life, is full of all sorts of surprises. The loud exhaust of a passing car, the unexpected sound of a horn, a barking dog on the opposite side of the street, an unusually behaving person, a firecracker suddenly set on the lawn, and the first reaction of a young dog to such situations is to escape as an exit from the sphere of action of a dangerous stimulus. It is as a result of such situations that dogs are lost or die. It is not possible to foresee them, but you can eliminate the consequences by walking the dog on a leash.
Even when walking in a forest park or suburban forest, letting the dog off the leash, its owner must ensure that it will not pester strangers or dogs. And the owner’s phrase: “Don’t be afraid, she doesn’t bite” is absolutely not a polite phrase and does not resolve the situation. A person who does not want to communicate with a dog does not want to do this because he is in a hurry, he is allergic to dogs, or, despite the fact that he loves dogs, right now he does not want to communicate with them. Communication should not be forced on those who do not want it. It’s disrespectful to say the least.

And you should take your pet on a leash if they come to meet you with a dog on a leash. And before you let your dog near another, you need to ask permission from the owner of this dog.
And the conclusion will be this: you can walk the dog without a leash by choosing the appropriate place and following some rules.