Why is the water in the aquarium cloudy and what to do about it?
Cloudy water in an aquarium is a fairly common problem and can often pose a serious threat to the health of fish. Despite the potential danger, the problem is solved simply. As a rule, this is a consequence of one of three reasons or a combination of them: microscopic debris, leaching of mineral and other chemicals from elements of decoration, or bacterial bloom. The first two reasons are typical only for new aquariums, and the last one can also occur in mature ecosystems. Let’s take a closer look at each of the reasons.
Cloudy water in the aquarium
Aquarium with cloudy water and after cleaning
Microscopic debris in the water
It is a suspension of tiny particles of soil and / or dust that rises in the water as the aquarium fills up. The problem is solved by a conventional mechanical filter. However, if it remains, then the filter material is not effective enough. Most likely a cheap filter was chosen. The decision suggests itself.
Leaching of minerals
The problem is related to the placement in the aquarium of decor taken from the natural environment or purchased from negligent sellers and manufacturers. For example, soil painted in artisanal conditions, untreated snags and other decorative objects (wrecks, castles, etc.) made from materials not intended for a long stay in the water. All this, with prolonged exposure to water, is capable of releasing mineral and other chemicals, including dangerous ones, coloring water in colors from whitish to brown (tea) hue.
Unlike microscopic debris, it will no longer be possible to purify water from pollution using a filter. A complete water change and removal of the source of contamination from the aquarium will be required.
bacterial bloom
This problem is directly related to the peculiarities of the course of biological processes inside the aquarium and is otherwise called the “New Aquarium Syndrome”. The water becomes cloudy due to the rapid development of a certain colony of bacteria – this is one of the stages of “maturation of the aquarium.” Over time, the colony reduces its numbers and the water clears itself. During this period, sensitive and tender fish may even die. Re-explosive growth of the colony can occur due to a violation of the biological balance caused by abundant feeding of fish, the accumulation of organic waste, damage to the biological filter, a one-time large water renewal (more than 70% of the volume)
You can understand that it is bacterial bloom in front of you by smell. Ammonia will be felt above the surface of the water (if anyone does not know what it smells like, remember ammonia).
The problem is solved by daily replacement of part of the water (10–15% of the volume) with fresh water with identical hydrochemical parameters. Do not feed the fish until the water is clear. A temporary fast will not harm them, but it will reduce the amount of organic waste and uneaten food leftovers. After a few days, the biological balance should be restored.
As an alternative, you can use special additives to the aquarium, sold in the form of suspensions, which can bring the biological balance back to normal within a few hours. It is recommended to purchase them, for such cases, along with test kits in order to monitor the quality of the water and prevent an emerging problem in a timely manner.