Why Dogs Can’t Have Bones: Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Give Them
Why can’t dogs have bones when that treat seems to suit them best? After all, since childhood, in cartoons and fairy tales, we have watched dogs delight in eating bones. Is this a myth?
Why dogs can’t have bones: reasons not to give them
So, Why are dogs not allowed? feed costumes?
- Before, than talk about why dogs can’t have bones It should be noted that this prohibition does not apply to all types of bones. But under a complete ban are tubular – chicken, for example. The point is that they are very crumble easily, and small bone fragments can easily injure an animal. AT in particular, the pharynx is often injured, whose fabric is soft. You can also inflict an injury to the intestines.
- crumbling bones can also cause suffocation, which happens often. Shards simply obstruct the airway throat, causing the animal to even die from asphyxia.
- Pork and rabbit bones are also forbidden. However, pork for dogs in principle undesirable – the stomach is everything does not take it well. When the stomach clogs with the bones compressed small fragments, which often results in vomiting. Because of all this, the body loses a lot moisture, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. dog in may even die in the end. dehydration if faced with a similar phenomenon at constant basis.
- Especially damage the bones of puppies. There is an opinion about that, on the contrary, they are useful, however the stomach of babies is actually quite not ready to process such a tough content.
- Can, In this case, you should treat the dog boiled bones? But I may disappoint: boiled bones are bad too. During their processing hot water forms gluten. Gluten when ingested, bowel leads to blockage. Oh oh what the blockage leads to, I wrote above. Besides the bones are lost during cooking useful properties – they simply do not exist sense to give a pet.
- Fish bones are taboo! Because they are sharp and thin, they easily dig into mucous. And, as practice shows, they are extremely difficult to remove. Also they can easily cause suffocation.
- Bones in the form of a head also can not be given categorically. It consists of a huge the number of small bones that, of course, very clogged stomach.
- It is believed, that it is permissible to give edges. However, everything is not so simple here! I’m writing the cartilages are really located, which may be beneficial. But the middle part of the ribs does not need to be given either for what – it instantly crumbles, thus forming sharp enough fragments.
- There is also the opinion that bones are useful during tooth growth. On the actually milk teeth are incredible fragile, and their bones may well break. And this, in its queue will negatively affect the form jaws later. Of course dairy teeth should fall out, and attempts to gnaw anything help. However, it is better to give for babies, raw soft mousses or special toys. And even better after 12 weeks.
What kind of bones to give a dog allowed and how to do it
But some bones are still allowed give to the dog. Actually it’s useful food with the right choice. It is a source of phosphorus, calcium, proteins and fats. And also great cleans the plaque. Also bones are an excellent stress reliever dogs – literally half an hour of chewing bones can perfectly soothe.
But What kind of bones are allowed?
- Как already mentioned earlier, will benefit only raw bones. Even better to they had meat on them. In addition to the above benefits, they also help develop gastric muscles, which allows the stomach function correctly. Also strengthens the intestines, as it is absorbed a large number of micronutrients.
- Better everything, according to experts, to treat lamb and beef pets bones.Especially large beef bone will be good for puppies – it will definitely cause they have an interest and will not hurt. In 100 g such bones will contain 15 g of protein and 5 grams of fat.
- Round knuckles and beef moslaki are another preferred areas. They are exactly will not injure. And besides, often inside them is the bone marrow, which contains a lot of fatty unsaturated acids.
- More one good option is cartilage veal ribs. Especially It is good to give them to dogs of large breeds.
Как it turned out that the answer to this question is not so unambiguous, as might be expected. Bones are a good delicacy can really be useful if it is chosen and served correctly. But, of course, with such a delicacy you need be very, very careful relying only on preferences pets.