Why Dogs and Cats Shouldn’t Have Chocolate
Dogs love sweets. They dream of eating the candy you hold in your hands and choke on the smell of chocolate. Cats also do not mind eating a milk dessert. But you will have to resist the urge to follow your pet’s lead.
In this article, we have collected all the arguments against treating pets with chocolate.
Chocolate contains the alkaloids theobromine and caffeine. These substances affect the cardiovascular and nervous systems of animals. Of course, the larger the pet, the larger the dose is needed for him, but is it worth the risk, even if it seems that nothing will happen from one piece? Different types of chocolate contain different amounts of theobromine and caffeine, such as cocoa, baking chocolate, and dark chocolate. These species are considered more dangerous sources of theobromine, but this does not mean that dogs and cats can be treated to milk chocolates.
A small piece of even milk chocolate is likely to cause a Labrador just an upset stomach. But a toy terrier or a British cat from such a portion may experience vomiting or diarrhea. In any case, such a treat is not worth the suffering of a pet.
If a pet arbitrarily pulls a whole tile off the table and eats it, then the consequences can be even worse: tremors, convulsions, interruptions in the heart rhythm, internal bleeding, or even a heart attack.
That is why we recommend keeping an eye on the tail and not leaving it a single chance to feast on confectionery poison.
Our pets are those who like to repeat after us. When we eat chocolate with pleasure, for our pet it becomes almost the most cherished yummy on earth.
To please the dog and not harm him, go to the pet store and buy special chocolate for dogs there. It contains no hazardous substances, and the rustle of the packaging and the appearance of it will be just like your chocolate. Cool pictures in your Instagram are guaranteed!
SharPei Online Tip: Consider an alternative to the traditional kind of chocolate. The pet will be much more pleased with natural dried treats, which will definitely be healthier.
Cats should not be given chocolate for the same reasons as dogs. The cat can get serious consequences: vomiting, muscle tremors, seizures, interruptions in the rhythm of the heart, internal bleeding, or even a heart attack.
Fluffy purrs are very partial to milk chocolate, due to the content of milk powder in it. If dogs are insanely attracted to a sweetish aroma, then cats are completely indifferent to sweets. The fact is that they practically do not feel the sweet taste, but they also really like dairy ingredients.
If your cat is so addicted to dairy that he would even eat a bar of chocolate, there are tasty and healthy alternatives for him too: fortified treats with cheese or powdered milk. The most striking example is tabs from the manufacturer GimCat. They are specially formulated for cats, they do not contain allergens and cats love to eat them. This way you turn caring for your pet’s health into a pleasant reward or an exciting game.
If you are sure that your pet has eaten chocolate, then it is better not to wait for symptoms – especially if the serving of chocolate was large. Take him to the veterinarian right away.
The first signs of poisoning may appear only after a few hours, and a visit to the clinic can help to avoid them.
SharPei Online Tip: It is always better to have the contacts of the nearest XNUMX/XNUMX veterinary clinic on hand in advance in order to be able to get prompt assistance.
We ask that you be mindful of your pet’s health and do not share chocolate with him. Let everything be yours.