Why does a rat go bald and shed, hair loss in rodents

Often, owners of domestic rodents notice increased hair loss in their pets. Why is the rat going bald? There can be several reasons – from a simple reaction to the change of season, to a lack of vitamins or infection with parasites. If you notice signs of hair loss, you should carefully examine your pet and check for other symptoms.
Seasonal molt
The answer to the question of why rats shed is very simple – an increase in indoor temperature often causes hair loss. For this reason, rat molting can occur even in winter, if the room is warm enough. In most cases, if there is no irritation on the skin, the hair falls out evenly, nothing threatens the health of the pet. Anxiety will be delivered only by cleaning small hairs that are noticeable on clothes and furniture upholstery.
Infection with lice, skin mites can also cause a sharp loss of hair. If you notice that the rat is shedding and itching, it is better to wash it with a special anti-parasitic shampoo. If hair loss continues, you should contact your veterinarian.
The ornamental rat may lose hair due to an allergic skin reaction. A variety of factors can cause it – inappropriate filler, printing ink on newspapers that replace bedding, treats to junk food. Allergies are often accompanied by additional symptoms – itching and irritation, scratching is noticeable on the skin. Observe the pet, change the conditions of detention – you must try to identify the allergen and eliminate it.
Wrong diet, vitamin deficiency
The condition of the coat first reflects the lack of essential trace elements and vitamins in the animal’s diet. Often a simple vitamin complex can improve the situation. Pet store foods are usually balanced, but it is often possible to observe a situation where a domestic rat does not eat its portion completely, choosing only tasty pieces. In this case, it is recommended to limit the treats and transfer the animal to a good granular food. Vitamin supplements will also help if the animal has undergone stress – nervous anxiety can also provoke molting.
IMPORTANT: Remember that it is impossible to give vitamin supplements all the time – an excess of trace elements is no less harmful than a shortage. Therefore, after the end of the course, you just need to make sure that your pet receives a complete diet, including vegetables and fruits.
If the rat’s hair falls out in tufts, the appearance of large bald spots, sores and other changes in the skin (seals, scales) are observed, then the reason is probably in the development of the disease. Decorative rodents can suffer from various types of dermatitis, lichen, fungi. Baldness can also begin due to diseases of the internal organs, metabolic disorders.
What should I do if hair loss is accompanied by additional symptoms and a deterioration in the well-being of the animal? It is recommended to contact the veterinarian as soon as possible – you should not treat the animal yourself. Only a trained doctor will be able to correctly diagnose, prescribe complex treatment and correctly calculate the doses of drugs.
The rat’s hair falls out: molting or baldness?
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