Why does a dog chew on things?
Care and Maintenance

Why does a dog chew on things?

Has your pet gnawed off new shoes or a chair leg? Ruined sofa? Such stories are not uncommon. Why does a dog chew things and how to wean him from it?

Destructive behavior can have several causes. A dog may chew on things not only because of boredom or anxiety, but also because of eating disorders or feeling unwell. 

Consider the main reasons why a dog chews on things.

  • Longing for the owner, stress.

Many dogs experience being alone. Some of them are afraid to be alone, and some are too upset that the owner left without them. To relieve anxiety, dogs may chew or tear at objects. Thus, they simply splash out their emotions. 

  • Lack of physical and intellectual stress.

If the dog’s exercise does not meet its needs, the dog will be at home to compensate. An adult healthy dog ​​should walk at least 2 hours a day. The walk should combine periods when you go through a route, and more active games with you or your relatives. Dogs also need intellectual exercise and problem solving. You can fill this need by conducting training sessions or using interactive toys at home. With an adult dog, you need to exercise at least 15 minutes a day. The pet will try to make up for the lack of loads at home – perhaps with the help of your shoes.

  • Overexcitation.

If there are a lot of active games or exciting situations in the dog’s life, it can be difficult for him to switch to a calm state. The dog may chew on objects, trying to relieve excitement and relax.

  • Curiosity.

Puppies can chew on everything. In this way they get to know the world around them. In order to characterize this or that object in its representation, the dog tends to sniff it, lick it and, if possible, bite it. As a rule, from the age of six months, excessive interest in surrounding objects subsides.

  • Change of teeth.

At the age of 3 to 6 months, puppies change from dairy to permanent. During this period, their gums ache and itch. Trying to cope with the discomfort, the pet seeks to “scratch” them and begins to gnaw on things that come across in its path. A responsible owner must approach this difficult period with understanding and provide the baby with special toys.

Why does a dog chew on things?

  • Health problems, eating disorders.

In some cases, the dog chews on things and strikes the owners with strange taste preferences due to health problems. Infection with helminths or diseases of the digestive system cause changes in appetite. Lack of calories or nutrients can also lead to eating inedible items. Dogs begin to gnaw and eat completely unusable objects: wallpaper, earth, stones, waste. 

Such behavior should alert the owners and cause a prompt appeal to the veterinarian.

If you correctly determine the reason why the dog chews things, it is not difficult to solve this problem. Read about it in the article “”.

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