Why does a cat scratch its ears until it bleeds?
Why is this happening?
The most common cause is itching caused by ectoparasites (fleas, ear and skin mites, withers), skin infections (malassesia, bacteria, dermatophytosis), hypersensitivity reactions (allergies). The skin inside the auricle swells, the secret becomes abundant (liquid or flaky), and may acquire a specific smell. If one of the ear canals is affected more than the other, the cat may tilt its head to one side. The general condition of the animal worsens: depression, loss of appetite may be observed. If treatment measures are not taken for a long time, the skin inside the affected ear canal becomes inflamed, otitis media develops.
What to do?
First of all, it is necessary to find out the cause of concern by examining the ear canals of a sick animal by a veterinarian, conducting diagnostics: taking samples of ear secretions, scrapings, cytology, trichograms for examination. Upon detection of certain parasites, pathogenic microflora, a specific treatment is prescribed to combat the identified problem.

How to treat?
Treatment consists in treating the animal with antiparasitic drugs, sanitizing the ear passages with special lotions, and usually administering medicated drops. The skin of the ears, damaged by combing, is regularly treated with antiseptic preparations. If necessary, wear a veterinary collar. During the period of struggle with itching, antihistamines may also be prescribed. It is important to remember that in order for the animal to fully recover and reduce the likelihood of relapses, it is necessary to patiently and punctually follow all the doctor’s prescriptions, without interrupting the course of treatment at the first sign of an improvement in the patient’s condition.
At the re-admission, the presence of itching is assessed after the elimination of infections. If the itching is completely gone, but lesions remain, a diagnosis of pathologies not associated with itching is prescribed.
If, after all the measures taken to combat infections and parasites, the animal continues to itch, they begin to diagnose allergies (food and atopy).
To reduce the risk of itching in animals, it is necessary to treat them from parasites in a timely and regular manner. Feed a balanced, quality diet. Keep in comfortable conditions. Avoid situations that cause prolonged stress. Maintain cleanliness in holding areas. Avoid contact of pets with wild, unvaccinated, sick animals.