Why do you need a dog cage in your apartment?
Care and Maintenance

Why do you need a dog cage in your apartment?

Dog crates are very popular these days. Stereotypes that a cell is bad, because it restricts freedom, does not stand up to scrutiny, and collapses under the influence of numerous, proven advantages. Let’s take a look at the benefits of cages and how our four-legged friends perceive them. 

Wild relatives of dogs in natural habitats rest in burrows, where they feel at ease and safe. It is not surprising that even domestic dogs have retained the instinct to arrange for themselves a place in which, if possible, no one will disturb them. The bed does not always cope with this task, because, for example, if there are children in the house, they will still disturb their pet, regardless of his need for rest. Therefore, it is recommended to use a cage house as a place for a pet. This is not only a cozy, separate home and your own corner of your puppy or adult dog, but also a guarantee of his safety, as well as an assistant in education. Let’s talk about it in more detail!

The cage house is an alternative to the burrow for the domestic dog. In such a house, a pet can always retire and feel 100% safe.

  • Cage is a cozy house for your dog

Contrary to stereotypes, a cage is not a measure of punishment, but a real cozy house for your dog, where he will rest in peace. Even the most domestic and loving dog needs its own “mink”, in which you can retire and not be afraid that you will be disturbed. A lounger will not provide such privacy, but a cage house is easy. If the dog wants to rest, to be alone, he can go into his house at any time, and no one will disturb him in it. This is especially important if you have a large family or frequent guests. After all, the opportunity to be alone with yourself is just as important for our pets as it is for us. The lack of such an opportunity is a direct path to stress and behavioral problems.

Be sure to put a soft and comfortable bedding on the bottom of the cage. The dog should be comfortable and pleasant to be in his cage house just like you are in your bedroom.

  • The cage is the key to safety

A cage for a dog is about the same as a playpen for a child. The same level of comfort and safety! If you have a small puppy in your house, then you are strongly recommended to purchase a cage for him. In the house of a curious baby, a huge number of dangers await: cables, plastic toys, foam products, sharp objects. By negligence, he can easily get hurt, especially if you are absent and cannot look after him. The cage allows you to solve this problem through movement control and protect your pet.

Why do you need a dog cage in your apartment?

  • House – a guarantee of good behavior

Along with the safety of the puppy itself, the cage house ensures the safety of your belongings and furniture. A pet accustomed to a cage will not gnaw on shoes or chairs in your absence, will not bark in the apartment and will be even more confident due to the feeling of its own safety. After all, the fewer offenses and subsequent punishments, the happier your four-legged friend!

  • The cage house is an effective way to teach your dog to walk

Perhaps this is one of the main advantages of the cage house. Dogs never shit in their place, which means that a pet in a cage will patiently wait for the owner to take him outside. Of course, this applies to a greater extent to dogs over the age of 5-6 months: they can endure during the entire working day. But you should not expect such feats from puppies: kids go to the toilet every 2-4 hours, and therefore they should not be locked in a cage for a long time. Thus, by gradually accustoming a pet to a cage, you can effectively control his daily routine and accustom him to walks.

  • The cage house is convenient

Thanks to the cage house, you can protect the dog’s space from children or other animals (for example, at an exhibition), as well as save a guest prone to allergies from contact with the dog.

  • Clean – the guarantee of health

The cage will help keep your home clean. For example, before bathing, you can put a dog that got dirty on a walk in a cage, instead of being afraid that he will jump on your favorite sofa. Do not forget about maintaining cleanliness in the cage itself. The bedding must be periodically washed and cleaned so that dirt does not accumulate on it and, for example, fleas do not start.

How to train a dog to a crate?

Cage training is recommended from an early age. Our ultimate goal is for the pet to perceive the cage as a cozy room and go into it to sleep and relax.

In no case do not lock your pet in a cage immediately after purchasing it. He must gradually get used to his place and sincerely love him. To get started, open the cage and let your dog explore the space freely without closing the door. Attract your pet with a treat by placing it on the bed in the cage.

Do not force the dog to enter the cage, do not force it. Be gentle and patient. It is perfectly normal for a dog to enter the cage for a few seconds and then leave it. This is how acquaintance happens, and it takes a certain time. In the early days, do not close the cage door.

When the dog is more or less familiar with his home, start covering the entrance with your palm and gradually increase the time the dog stays in the cage. In this case, you are next to the pet and cheer him up, which means that the dog does not have any fear. Don’t forget to praise your friend and treat him with treats!

After a few days, when the pet becomes calmer, you can begin to close the cage and leave the room. Leave the room for a short time at first and gradually increase the interval. Soon you will be able to leave the dog in his house for the whole working day!

Why do you need a dog cage in your apartment?

Top mistakes

  • Locking a dog in a cage as a punishment. A cage is a place of rest and safety, not a prison, and your pet should only perceive it in a positive way. 

  • Lock your dog or puppy in a cage right away. Learning must be gradual. If you have just acquired a pet, first give him time to adapt and only then proceed to education.

  • Line the bottom of the cage with diapers. Your goal is to train your puppy for walks with the help of a cage, to develop his natural instinct, and not to build a home toilet for him.

  • Buy a large cage at once without additional adjustable partitions. When accustoming a puppy to walking through a cage, keep in mind that if the house is too spacious, then the pet can do all its business in one corner, and go to bed in the opposite. To prevent this from happening, choose cells with special partitions. So you can adjust the size of the cage and save a lot of money, because you do not have to buy a small cage for a puppy and a larger one for an already matured dog.

There are a huge number of cages for dogs in modern pet stores, carefully read the models. We recommend choosing cages made of high quality stainless steel, compact, without sharp corners and easy to fold, which is very convenient for transportation and participation in exhibitions.

One of the manufacturers of dog cages has an interesting video on how to accustom a puppy to a cage or aviary. Be sure to check it out!  

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Love your pets and happy shopping!

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