Why do small dogs live longer than big ones?

Why do small dogs live longer than big ones?

The size of a dog affects its lifespan. But can pet owners affect the lifespan of large dogs or pets, regardless of their size?

Why small dogs live longer

Speaking about the average life expectancy of dogs of small, medium, large and giant breeds, one important point should be remembered: we are talking about average figures. This means that some dogs may live less than average, while others may live longer. But if so, why do small dogs live longer than large ones?

It is believed that large dogs simply age faster than small ones. Some giant breeds often add 45 kg per year, while small breed dogs can grow to no more than 4-5 kg. Such rapid growth, characteristic of some giant breeds, apparently negatively affects their lifespan. When calculating the average life expectancy of dogs, depending on the breed, certain generalizations often arise. However, even within the same size category, some dogs may live shorter than others due to breed-specific health issues.

Why do small dogs live longer than big ones?

What is the average lifespan of a dog

The average life expectancy of a dog depends on what size category its breed belongs to – small, medium, large or giant.

small dog breeds

Smaller breeds such as the Chihuahua and Maltese, known for their compact size, weigh less than 9 kg on average and have an average lifespan of 10 to 15 years. However, the world’s oldest Chihuahua dog named Megabyte has passed away at the age of 20 years and 265 days.

Medium and large dog breeds

Medium dog breeds, such as spaniels, weigh from 9 to 22 kg, while large breed dogs, including the popular Labrador Retrievers and Boxers, include animals weighing 23 kg. The average life expectancy of medium and large breed dogs is approximately 10-13 years.

Giant dog breeds

It is generally believed that giant dog breeds weigh over 40 kg. The average life expectancy of a giant breed dog, such as the Royal Great Dane, is unfortunately only 6-8 years. However, some survive to the age of 11-12 years and older.

In addition, mixed breed dogs tend to live an average of about 1,2 years longer than purebred dogs of the same size.

The current record for life expectancy, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, belongs to a dog of medium breed. This is an Australian Cattle Dog named Bluey, born in Australia in 1910 and lived for 29 years and 5 months.

How to help your dogs live longer

In order for your pet to live a long and happy life, he needs the following:

  • Regular wellness veterinary care. This includes regular veterinary check-ups, proper vaccinations, and other preventive measures. These include internal parasite treatments, including heartworm and flea/tick treatments, dental cleanings, and blood tests as directed by your veterinarian. This kind of daily care can help any dog ​​live a longer life.
  • Why do small dogs live longer than big ones?Sterilization and castration. Spaying or neutering can benefit any dog ​​and have a positive impact on its longevity. They reduce the risk of certain reproductive system cancers, prostate or uterine infections, and potential injury.
  • Maintaining normal weight. It is important to provide your pet with daily exercise and feed him the right amount of food. A recent study published in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine found that overweight dogs have a 2,5 year shorter lifespan than their optimal weight counterparts. Maintaining a normal body weight for a dog reduces stress on its joints and organ systems.

Each breed has its own health issues that dog owners should closely monitor along with their veterinarian. Before adopting a pet, prospective owners are advised to obtain basic information about the characteristics and general health concerns of specific breeds or mixed breeds. This will help to identify health problems in a four-legged friend at an early stage and resolve them in a timely manner together with the attending veterinarian.

Large dogs age faster than small dogs, but there are other factors to consider. Regular veterinary care, exercise, and lots of love will give your pet the highest chance of a longer, healthier life. Hopefully, with the continued advances in veterinary and nutritional medicine, one day the day will come when owners will no longer have to ask questions such as “why do small dogs live longer than large ones?”.

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