Why do people keep turtles at home

Turtles belong to the class of reptiles. Their behavior and tameness are different from those exhibited by cats or dogs. People keep turtles at home, not expecting miracles of learning and devotion from their pets. The owners note that they feel sincere affection for their discreet pets.
With turtles, you do not need to walk on the street, and it is enough to feed an adult 2-3 times a week. Unattended, the pet is only in the terrarium, so it does not harm the environment and repairs in the room.
People who are prone to allergies often start turtles, since reptiles have no hair, and they do not emit specific odors.
Animals are naturally inquisitive, show interest in the world around them, interact with it. You can learn to play with your pets. With due diligence, the reptile begins to distinguish the owner and distinguish it from family members and guests. Many individuals enjoy human touch.
Common reasons why turtles are kept according to owners:
- reptiles are interesting to watch;
- they are safe;
- With good care, a pet can live for more than 30 years.
Animals are valued for the balance between exoticism and adaptability. They look unusual, but not as capricious as other members of the reptile class. The pet gets used to being close to a person, it can temporarily leave the terrarium. After arranging the conditions for life, turtles do not require complex care. They are not poisonous, most species are not aggressive, therefore they are safe.
Why do people keep turtles at home
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