Why do hamsters run on a wheel

Why do hamsters run on a wheel

Why do hamsters run on a wheel

Common hamsters have become permanent pets in many families along with cats or dogs, and in some even compete with exotic animal species like snakes or unusual aquarium fish. Hamsters fell in love with the owners for the ease of keeping and the relative calmness of rodents, which do not require constant communication and attention from the owner, spending time alone.

They are small in size and are constantly in the cage, having fun with the presence of its contents like houses or running wheels, giving the owner the pleasure of watching their cheerful rustling. Why hamsters run in a wheel, forgetting about the world around them, is explained by their way of life in their natural habitat.

Scientists-zoologists conducted long-term observations of the existence of rodents in nature and found that during one night a hamster is able to run 10-12 km.

Animals overcome such distances in search of food, which is not always found next to their minks, forcing them to make a long journey.

Why do hamsters run on a wheel

Running wheel function

When breeding or keeping hamsters at home, you need to remember their need to run. Daily activity is not only a genetic predisposition of hamsters, but a significant contribution to their well-being and maintaining good physical health. For these purposes, rodents use a running wheel, with which you can run long distances and be active. Why a hamster needs to run is also told by its innate properties.


Rodents make forays in search of food every day, with the exception of hibernation, when the mink is stuffed with various supplies. The rodent devotes all the remaining time to obtaining food and, finding itself in a cage, its instincts are not only preserved, but require implementation, despite regular feeding. Just as painstakingly, the hamster continues to make food supplies, putting half-eaten food leftovers in a secluded place. To maintain the natural balance of the rodent, the wheel will become an indispensable item in the cage.

natural instinct for protection

In addition to food, there is another explanation why hamsters love to run on a wheel and why they need constant activity. Being in motion serves as protection for rodents from birds of prey that lie in wait for them hunting at night. Constant activity increases the animal’s chances of a successful outcome from meeting danger. This feature easily explains why hamsters love to spin wheels. An endless stream of energy, laid down by nature, the hamster needs to throw out in artificial conditions. In this case, running wheels will become not only entertainment for the rodent, but will help to use energy for good.

Why do hamsters run on a wheel

On average, a hamster in a wheel is capable of spinning at speeds of up to 5 km/h, which is equal to the speed of a human being on foot.

Given the size of a rodent, it spends several times more energy turning the wheel than a person walking on foot. Noticing the huge difference, some rodent owners have adapted the running of their pets for a practical purpose: generating electricity. Simple solutions to equip the wheel with a generator help owners to charge mobile phones and at the same time benefit their charges.

Prevention of obesity

There is another reason that shows why a rodent needs a wheel. Running will reliably protect the hamster from obesity problems, which often affect small animals. A rare member of the hamster family will refuse the treat that the owner feeds him every day, increasing the fat mass of the rodent.

A running hamster is able to actively fight excess weight, helping the body stay alert and healthy.

Do not forget about the time of the activity of the pet, because the animal likes to run at night. For why hamsters run in wheels at night, the main phase of their wakefulness, due to nature, is responsible. So that the rustling does not prevent the owners from sleeping peacefully, and the hamster running on a wheel, it is advisable to move the cage with the rodent to a separate room for the night.

The hamster does not want to run in the wheel

Sometimes it happens that hamsters refuse to use the simulator for no apparent reason. In this case, you should make sure how well the running wheel is made. It should be convenient for the hamster to move along it, clinging to the mesh surface with its paws. It is important that the pet’s limbs do not fall into the gaps of the treadmill, as an awkward hit can injure the rodent.

In the article “How to make a running wheel for a hamster with your own hands” you will find information on several ways to make a wheel for a hamster at home.

Video: reasons why a hamster does not run in a wheel


Why do hamsters love to run on a wheel?

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