Why do dogs wallow in feces and other smelly things?
Animal behaviorists can explain that dogs chew shoes because they are nervous or bored, chase squirrels because it’s fun, and “run” in their sleep because they dream. But over some forms of behavior of four-legged friends, even the most experienced scientists are racking their brains. This includes one of the most obscure dog hobbies – wallowing in foul-smelling substances. From dead fish to feces, some dogs simply enjoy covering themselves in foul odors that make their owners gasp and wrinkle their noses in disgust. Regardless of how hosts perceive these quirks, experts can help you figure out what to do in such situations.
Why does a dog wallow in excrement?
Although there is no definitive answer to this question, many theories have been put forward as to why dogs wallow in rotten meat and other foul-smelling substances. The Mother Nature Network outlined the most popular ones:
- The dog is trying to hide its own scent. The sofa pet’s ancestors didn’t eat food from their own bowl twice a day – they had to hunt to survive. Wallowing in the smell of their prey, that is, in the feces left after it, they could hide their smell and approach their dinner without frightening him. And a domestic four-legged friend simply follows an age-old instinct inherited from ancestors who lived thousands of years ago.
- The dog communicates with his “pack”. Wallowing in a smelly heap, the dog can inform the rest of the pack or just the owner about his wonderful find. The theory is being developed at the Wolf Park Research Center in Indiana, where a researcher told Mother Nature Network that after sniffing a wolf from their pack that was wallowing in a scent, other wolves would follow that scent to its source. This helps animals in the process of hunting: by knowing where their prey was, they can better track it.
- The dog leaves its own scent. According to BBC Earth, the dog wallows in rotten stuff to leave his own scent. This is consistent with the well-known dog habit of marking territory. Often a dog will urinate on everything, especially right after another dog has done it. It is assumed that this is a territorial behavior, allowing other dogs and animals to know that this territory already belongs to a four-legged friend. This may just be a message the dog leaves to other four-legged pets: she has been there and explored this scent.
How to wean a dog from wallowing in excrement
Regardless of the reasons, any owner wants the dog to stop this unpleasant activity, which brings her joy, and the owner – dirt on the carpet and an unpleasant smell in the apartment. Most likely, curbing the instinct that drives the dog will not work, but you can limit its capabilities.
1. When walking, you need to keep the dog on a leash in places where he can stop to wallow in the mud.
2. Excrement should be removed from the yard as soon as the four-legged lover of smearing in feces does his business. It is also important to ensure that there are no dead animals, dirt and other sources of danger.
3. You can teach your pet simple commands – “no” or “forward”, which will switch his attention from a pile of dirt to something useful.
The dog still rolled: what to do
Sometimes, one has only to turn away, a slight breeze carries the news that the dog has finally reached the stinkiest heap in the area. Well, you will have to “put a clothespin on your nose” and wash your pet. There are odor-neutralizing shampoos on the market, sometimes containing orange oil, which is recognized as a safe deodorant and degreaser for hairy grubby.
Another option is to combine baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and liquid dish soap in a metal bowl. You can bathe your dog in this mixture, but be careful not to get it in his eyes, as it can cause burns. You need to thoroughly rinse your pet after the procedure or take him to a groomer who knows exactly how to deal with an unpleasant odor.
If your dog likes to come home smelling like feces rather than perfume, you can prevent these unpleasant situations by keeping a close eye on him outside and getting pet-safe detergents. After all, no matter how bad your pet smells, you won’t stop loving it.