Why do dogs need toys?
Many people think that dogs need toys to have fun, but that’s not all. In practice, special toys for dogs perform a huge number of useful functions, without which a full-fledged healthy life of a pet is unthinkable. What are these functions?
– Maintaining physical fitness.
Active play is the best way to maintain your dog’s optimal weight. Unfortunately, pets are prone to gaining excess weight. And he, in turn, provokes serious diseases: heart failure, diabetes, joint diseases, etc. To protect the health of a pet, its shape must be monitored. A variety of frisbees, sticks, balls, tug-of-war (such as Petstages or Kong Safestix) are all toys that will engage your dog in active play and meet his exercise needs.
– Stimulation of brain activity.
Dogs are very intelligent animals, and their talents can be developed almost endlessly. It is not enough to learn the basic commands and stop there. For a full life, the dog’s intellect must be involved all the time, brain activity must be constantly stimulated. But this does not mean that the owner has to invent quests for the dog every day. It is enough to purchase several special puzzle toys (for example, Zogoflex Qwizl), which will not only keep the dog busy for a long time, but also teach him to find solutions in non-standard situations.
– Oral health.
Toys also help keep teeth, gums and jaws healthy in general. In pet stores, you can easily find special models (for example, Finity Dog Chew) to strengthen the jaws, remove plaque, eliminate bad breath, etc.
– Satisfaction of the need for chewing.
Absolutely any dog loves to chew. This passion is inherent in them by nature. And if you do not provide your pet with special toys for chewing, he will definitely find an alternative to them. For example, master’s shoes or chair legs. Fortunately, the pet industry has taken a big step forward in this regard and has developed super-durable toys that the dog cannot destroy (Zogoflex anti-vandal toys). You can chew them endlessly!
– Stress management.
Stress is present not only in the lives of people, but also in the lives of pets. Separation from the owner, the arrival of guests, fireworks outside the window, moving or a visit to the veterinary clinic – all these are strong provocateurs of stress for the dog. But a variety of toys come to the rescue, which distract the dog’s attention from annoying factors and give it pleasant associations. For example, several different toys will be a real salvation for a dog that has been waiting for his beloved owner from work all day.
– Cage training.
A toy with a treat inside (Kong Classic) will help to accustom a puppy to a crate. It will ease the puppy’s anxiety during the training process and will be a great food reward.
– Establishing contact “dog-owner”.
And one more important point. Joint games of the owner and the dog are the key to team spirit, friendship and trust. And without it, nowhere!