Why do dog paws smell like corn chips?
Strong odors are nothing new to dog and puppy owners. Our four-legged friends not only have a strong sense of smell, but they themselves can be sources of different scents. One of these odors may be similar to that of an open bag of salty snacks. No, it’s not your imagination. If you’ve ever noticed that your dog smells like corn chips, you’re not alone!
But how can dogs or their paws smell like corn chips? If you have ever smelled such a smell from your pet, you must have wondered what is the cause of it and if there are any remedies that will help you get rid of it. And more importantly, should you be concerned about this particular smell?
Where does this smell come from?
In a video for National Geographic, veterinarian Dr. Courtney Campbell explains that dogs have what are called eccrine glands on their paw pads and nose. “They secrete some fluid that hydrates the skin and keeps it supple. And sometimes, if bacteria is growing on the paws or dirt accumulates, they can give off this smell that is similar to the smell of … corn chips.
This means that if your dog smells a little, this is not a cause for concern. This is completely normal and there is most likely no reason to take her to the vet.
Bacteria is one of the main sources of bad paw odor. Think of all the different items that your dog touches every day, from the kitchen floor that needs to be cleaned, to the dirt road, to everything that can be found in the yard or on the sidewalks. There are many ways bacteria can get onto your pet’s paw pads or the fur around them. When bacteria multiply, a characteristic unpleasant odor can come from the dog’s paws.
Let’s think about how dogs sweat. Unlike humans, our furry friends generate heat through their paws and when they breathe. According to the American Kennel Club, dogs do sweat a little, but mostly through the pads of their paws. The sweat gland system of dogs is much less efficient than that of humans. Since the areas around the paw pads are covered with hair, they become moist and become a breeding ground for bacteria.
Has your dog stepped on food, waste, or something else? Litter itself can give off its own characteristic odor, but when any of it gets on your dog’s coat or paws and the eccrine glands secrete fluid, expect the smell to come from there as well.
Only paws smell?
Most people who notice that their four-legged friend smells like corn chips think that the problem is in his paws. However, the muzzle is also often the culprit of the smell, especially if the pet has deep folds in the skin where bacteria can hide. Some people even claim that the smell is coming from their dog’s entire body, and if that’s the case, it’s best to talk to your veterinarian and make sure your dog doesn’t have any other medical conditions that are causing the strong smell.
Take your pet to the veterinarian
Just because you’re just wondering “Why do dogs smell like corn chips?” doesn’t mean you need to take your pet to the veterinarian as soon as you smell it. You can make an appointment if the smell is too strong or if you need treatment. There are other conditions that can exacerbate the problem, such as candidiasis, a fungal infection, an overgrown claw on a paw, or a foreign body such as a chip or pebble that irritates the puppy’s paw pads. To solve the problem and eliminate the smell, treatment by a qualified specialist will be required.
In most cases, the smell of corn chips is not a cause for concern, but if you are, a visit to the veterinarian will alleviate your concerns.