Why do cats sleep on humans?
The cat is full of mysteries. One of them is why a cat sleeps next to a person or on a person when she has at her disposal a couch, a house and many secluded corners in the apartment where you can fall asleep sweetly. We will analyze the main reasons for this behavior and list the safety rules that will help you and your cat not harm each other.
Four-legged friends try to keep warm, cats have a body temperature higher than human. Radiators and heaters are hot, but on the stomach or on the head of the owner it is moderately warm, soft and comfortable. Often a cat sleeps near a person’s head, because in a dream the head becomes the warmest place on our body.
An adult healthy cat sleeps at least 14 hours a day. In rainy or hot weather, she needs even more sleep. If a pet needs so much sleep, why not nestle on top of a warm loved one in a clean, large bed? Mustachioed-striped always try to choose a place more comfortable.
To relax and fall asleep, the cat needs to feel completely safe. Where is the safest place in the house? Under the wing of the owner. The cat comes to sleep with a person to calmly recuperate and not worry about any potential threats. For a cat, the smell of the owner, especially the smell of his hair and face, symbolizes security. And the presence next to the owner gives the pet a pleasant feeling of control over the situation.
Why do cats sleep on humans? To express the depth of your feelings, to show how much they love you. And also just because they like it.
If you woke up and noticed that the cat turned to you as a fifth point, this means that your ward absolutely trusts you. Instincts will not allow the cat to turn its back or tummy to someone in whom it is not one hundred percent sure. Note that cats sleep only with those of the household who are recognized as the owner. The desire to sleep next to you is a sign of a special location.
It may very well be that the pet just missed you. Food and drink are great, but it’s so lonely for cats to be at home while you’re at work. They crave joint games, attention, communication. If a cat sleeps on a person, this helps her compensate for the lack of communication with the owner.
Another reason that a cat comes to sleep with a person lies in the desire to designate its possessions. During the day, the cat rubs against you. And at night it can lie on you, wrinkle the duvet cover with paw pads. So the secret of the sweat glands of the pet remains on you and on the bedding. It is important for a cat to designate with its smell both the bed on which you sleep and the owner itself. These four-legged friends tend to mark the boundaries of their territory and everything that is on it. This is a signal to the external environment that it all belongs to a particular cat, she will not tolerate attempts by others to claim her possessions and will protect her interests.
Your ward argues something like this: let, thanks to the smell, all the cats in the area will be aware that this person already has a favorite pet – and that’s me!
Sleep schedules for cats are very different from ours. It may occur to a pet a couple of times a night to visit bowls of food and drink, walk to the tray. Usually the cat not only goes about his business, but also wakes you up. How to minimize this inconvenience? Spend time in the evening actively playing with your pet, and then properly feed the cat. A run-down and well-fed mustachioed friend will sleep sweetly and will not wake you up.
If a cat sleeps on a person, is it safe? There is no consensus on this issue. Proponents of hugging sleep with pets note that cats calm them down, warm them with their warmth, help them fall asleep faster and even treat them – they lie down on a sore spot.
Opponents of co-sleeping with a cat remind you that during the day the pet wanders around the house, explores the most hidden corners under sofas or on cabinets, eats and drinks, goes to the tray. And then jumps on your bed. Cats can carry parasites such as Toxoplasma, which can be harmful to children and immunocompromised adults. So should you let your pet into bed?
On the one hand, the cat creates the potential for greater contact with the pathogenic environment. For example, from the floor. However, there is another opinion. A cat (like any other pet), with proper care and maintenance of cleanliness, creates its own special microclimate in the house. Being in it, any person (especially children) trains his immunity. Our organisms learn to exist with each other and maintain balance. It has been noticed that children who grow up with pets are much less likely to get sick and suffer from allergic reactions.
Should you let your cat sleep on your pillow? There is no correct answer to this question. You decide everything yourself: the main thing is that both you and the pet are comfortable.
If a cat comes to sleep with a person, it is better to wipe her paws before going to bed. Regularly treat your pet with parasites, make vaccinations in a timely manner. Brush your pet so that excess hair stays on the grooming tools and not on the pillow or your face. If there is a small child in the house, do not let the cat near his bed. This is not only a matter of hygiene, but also that the cat and the young household may not get along.
If you are unwell, it is better to carefully remove the cat and point him to the bed. If the cat is unwell, it is necessary that she sleep separately from you.
Always remember about hygiene and safety rules. If you close your eyes at night with a sleep mask, the cat will not get to the mucous membranes with a playful paw. After sleeping in an embrace with a cat, wash your hands properly, wash your face, clean your nose – especially if you are prone to allergic reactions.
Maintaining cleanliness in the house, as well as maintaining the hygiene of all households, including pets, is our responsibility.
We wish health and sweet dreams to you and your pets!