Why can’t you kick a cat off your lap?
Felinologists are sure that an animal, when it is relaxed, cannot be deprived of a fulcrum. Despite the fact that cats can group in an instant, to be in free flight for them — huge stress. And if the beloved owner suddenly throws him off his familiar place, then the pet will most likely experience resentment and distrust. Psychological trauma usually entails suspicion, and in the future the animal may refuse to go to the hands at all.

In addition, experts say, there is a high risk of causing physical injury to the animal. Cats are very agile, agile and flexible, but it must be borne in mind that they carefully prepare for each difficult jump. Once in the air suddenly, the pet may not have time to react. As a result, possible injuries to the limbs, a trip to the veterinarian, a long treatment.
Experts insist: even if a person decides that now is not the time to spend time with a pet, then the animal must be carefully taken by the body and transferred to the surface so that the cat must touch it with its paws. Only then can it be released.
6 May 2020
Updated: 22 May 2020