Why are people afraid of horses?
Some people are terribly afraid of horses: if they decide to approach them, then on half-bent legs, holding out a cracker in a trembling hand. Or avoid contact with them altogether. Why are people afraid of horses, is it worth it to be afraid of these animals and what to do to overcome the fear of a horse?
Photo: picryl.com
Why are people afraid of horses?
First of all, it is important to note that being afraid of horses is a completely normal reaction of a person with a developed sense of self-preservation.
The horse is large (even a not very large animal weighs 400 – 500 kg, but there are horses that weigh a ton!), “Armed” with large teeth and strong hooves. And besides, the horse behaves in a completely different way than those animals to which we are accustomed. The body language of a horse is very different from the body language of, for example, a dog or a cat, and its “speech” is somehow strange. A person is wary of everything that is not very clear to him.
Therefore, it is not at all surprising that many people are afraid of horses.
Should we be afraid of horses?
Horses rarely deliberately harm people, but in legal language they are considered a “source of increased danger.” What is it connected with?
As already mentioned, even the size of the horse makes it potentially dangerous.
In addition, the horse is a prey animal, in nature always ready to flee from a threat or, if there is no way to escape, to fight in defense of its life.
And if the horse is frightened, it can make a sudden movement or break away and, while running away, accidentally harm a person. And he won’t even notice how he knocks a person down and runs over him.
The horse becomes frightened if it hears sharp sounds, sees something suspicious, or some object unexpectedly touches it. And the vision of these animals is arranged in such a way that they do not see anything directly in front of them and behind them. And if you approach a horse, for example, strictly from behind, and then touch it, it is quite possible that it will hit you with its hoof – just from fear.
Horses compete for a resource – including the treats you hold in your hands. So if you appear in a free-roaming herd with a bag of carrots, the animals will begin to “divide” you and, pushing each other away, may accidentally hurt you too. And what for another horse is just a friendly touch, for a person it can turn into a serious injury.
Photo: pixabay.com
In addition, if a horse has been mistreated, it may perceive people as enemies and take preventive measures to protect itself from contact with this frightening bipedal object.
So it’s definitely worth treating horses, especially unfamiliar ones, with caution.
What to do in order not to be afraid of horses?
Since most people are afraid of horses because they don’t understand them, the obvious answer is to watch how horses behave. And not only under the saddle in the arena, but also among relatives, during free range. Observations will give you valuable information about animal behavior and help you learn to “decipher” their body language.
Read books about horses, study information about their psychology.
And, of course, follow safety precautions, especially when dealing with unfamiliar horses.
Many (including, I admit, myself) sin by the fact that, when dealing with horses that are familiar, adequate and loyal to people, they begin to neglect the elementary safety rules in communicating with other animals. However, if you can, for example, pull your horse slightly by the tail so that it comes at you “back to front” and be safe, the same trick with another horse can lead to intensive care.
Photo: maxpixel.net
Horses are amazing animals, highly intelligent and able to interact with people. To be afraid of them is to deprive yourself of the opportunity to discover their amazing world. However, reasonable care can save your health and even save your life.