Why are cats so drawn to lie on your laptop?
You have probably found yourself in a situation where you just have to sit down at the computer to read the news, find a recipe for a new dish or write an essay, as two pairs of cat’s paws unceremoniously step on your keyboard. It happens that in addition to blocking the keyboard, they write out the multi-valued “olyploylofp” or press the magic key combination that turns your screen upside down. And this also happens.
You probably suspect that your cat is not a computer genius at all and is definitely not trying to write his own book. But then what is it that attracts him so much to your laptop? It turns out there are several explanations for this.
photo: pixabay
Playing textures
Cats love soft surfaces, which is why they love to lie on soft pillows and blankets and gently massage them with their paws. Although the keyboard is not soft, keys that deepen when pressed create a similar effect. And when you type, it looks like you’re lightly massaging the keyboard. How can a cat, looking at you, refuse such a tempting pleasure? Of course he won’t pass.
warm surface
Cats love warmth. And who doesn’t like it? That’s why they love to bask in the sun. And the keyboard is just warm. Well, at least warmer than a hard floor. So just as purrs love a warm spot when you get up from your chair, they’ll love getting some warmth from a laptop.
Whether we want to admit it or not, cats are territorial animals. They designate a certain territory of theirs with the help of smell and pheromones. Therefore, passing by you and your computer, your cat will not be too lazy to stop, walk around the keyboard and rub his head or tail against the screen.
It’s like he’s saying, “I’m glad you’re enjoying working on MY computer so much, man.” Indeed, in the cat world, now the computer with its smell belongs to him and only to him.
Your attention
Yes, this could be as simple as that. Your cat sees the computer you spend a lot of time on and gets jealous: “How can my man do anything other than spend time with me?”. Or maybe he just wants to be closer to you, his loved one. Therefore, in an attempt to remind you that there is a more important thing in the house that you should pay attention to (she), the cat will walk on your keyboard until you get the hint. Cheeky, isn’t it?
What to do?
Under the scrutiny of your keyboard, your cat’s non-verbal messages may be hiding that she’s missing warmth or attention.
But if you just can’t stand the constant interruption of your workflow anymore, there are some solutions to this problem.
Try putting a soft pillow or a stack of warm blankets next to you where your cat can relax in close proximity to you. For some cats, even just a piece of paper, which is very interesting to sit on, is enough.
If this does not help, and persistent attempts are still made on the laptop, you can purchase a decorative keyboard. People really put a separate keyboard specifically for cats. And it seems to be working.
In general, just remember that your furry friend does not mean anything bad by his actions. He just wants to be closer to you. And, frankly, you also probably want your pet to be around. It’s just that sometimes you really need to check your email first.
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