Why are cats afraid of cucumbers?
Surely on the Internet you came across a video where the owners put a cucumber behind the cat, and when the purr noticed the vegetable, she jumped funny from fright and surprise. Because of this, many began to wonder why cats are afraid of cucumbers and does this vegetable have such an effect on everyone?
It cannot be denied that the Internet has firmly entered our lives and we may want to try on many of the events broadcast there. This is especially true for various kinds of trends, challenges and experiments. But not everything on the Internet is harmless and safe.
To answer this question, you need to remember who cats are. These are the descendants of wild predators, who had a very hard time before domestication. The homeland of the purr is the steppes and deserts, and, as you know, it is very difficult to survive there.
Ancient cats often encountered their worst enemies – snakes. The bite of a poisonous snake for a feline was painful and deadly. Therefore, tetrapods carefully avoided meeting with these reptiles.
Scientists believe that the reaction of cats to cucumbers is the awakening of the memory of their ancestors. The pet takes the vegetable for a snake and gets scared. With the same success, you can put any oblong object – a banana, carrot, eggplant, etc., and the cat will also jump away from it.
However, some zoopsychologists and felinologists have a different point of view. They believe that the memory of the ancestors has nothing to do with it, but it’s all about the effect of surprise. In the same way, a cat will react if you put a toy, slipper or book behind it – it does not have to be oblong. Any object that appears unexpectedly will surely be perceived by the pet violently.
Imagine that you are washing or eating, turn around and see that some thing suddenly appeared near you, although it was not there a minute ago. What will be your reaction? At the very least, you will be frightened and twitch in surprise.
The same thing is experienced by a cat, next to which a person has imperceptibly placed an object. A sudden change in the environment knocks the four-legged out of the rut. He understands that he no longer owns the situation and does not control it, therefore he is frightened.
In most cases, cats are engrossed in eating when people give them cucumbers. And for cats, the place where they eat is a zone of peace and security. Only a cat that is relaxed and confident in the situation can safely enjoy food. Therefore, any surprise during the meal will be perceived emotionally by the pet.
We must not forget that cats, like people, have a different psyche. There are cold-blooded daredevils, and there are cowards who are afraid of everything in the world. The second category of mustachios will most often bounce not only from a cucumber, but also from another object. It has been noticed that cats that are used to cucumbers and constantly see them next to them (if they live in the country) will not shy away from vegetables, but will react calmly to them.
There are a lot of videos on the network with the opposite reaction of cats to cucumber. They notice it, begin to sniff it, try to play and even taste it. And some just walk away. This proves once again that not all cats are afraid of cucumbers.
Wanting to amuse people on the Internet, and at the same time to laugh a lot themselves, cat owners forget about the consequences of their comic actions.
It’s one thing for the sake of experiment to observe the reaction of your cat once, but another thing is to joke about him all the time.
And this is what it can lead to:
Eating disorders: the cat will not want to approach the bowl, because it will always expect danger.
There is a high risk of developing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and indigestion.
Due to stress, the cat’s hair will begin to crumble, the work of the urinary system will be disturbed.
There is a general deterioration in the well-being of the pet, his immunity weakens, he easily picks up various sores.
The sleep and rest regimen is disturbed, the cat looks restless or apathetic.
The cat is getting anxious. She ceases to trust people, runs away even from her own master.
As a result, instead of an affectionate and friendly cat, you get a pet with a number of problems that are very difficult to fix. Therefore, before making funny videos for the amusement of the public, think about whether the health and psychological state of your pet is worth it.
Cats have two activities when they feel especially vulnerable – eating and defecation. In a pack of wild cats, some individuals will eat or go to the toilet, while others will guard them. Then they change places.
For this reason, your cat likes it so much when you are around while he eats or sits in a tray. And you may have noticed more than once that while you are eating or sitting on the toilet, your pet is right there. This is not just idle curiosity – he is so protective of you, because he considers you part of his pack.
But if you scare your cat when she is in an unprotected position, this is pure betrayal. It is worth doing this a couple of times – and you can irrevocably lose the trust of your pet.