Why and how to teach a dog the commands “Sit”, “Lie down” and “Stand”?

Why and how to teach a dog the commands “Sit”, “Lie down” and “Stand”?

 The commands “Sit”, “Down” and “Stand” are vital for any dog ​​and its owner. With their help, we teach the dog to take a certain position. Why do we need it?

Why teach your dog the “Sit”, “Down” and “Stand” commands?

First, these commands are very useful in everyday life. For example, it is much more convenient if the dog stands on command while we wash its paws or put on a harness, lies down when we ride in public transport, and sits down when you meet friends on a walk or guests come to you. However, you yourself can remember many situations when these commands would be very helpful. 

Why and how to teach a dog the commands “Sit”, “Lie down” and “Stand”?

 Secondly, on the basis of these commands, we teach the dog endurance, that is, the ability to keep himself in his paws and maintain a certain position in case of stimuli, for example, when people walk around and dogs run around. Thirdly, based on the commands “Sit”, “Lie down ” and “Stand” stops from movement are practiced. For example, a dog crossed the road, and when it decided to return to you, you see a car. In this case, you can give a command from a distance, and the dog will remain on the other side of the road until it is safe to cross it.

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