Why a cow poops a tortilla: about the features of the diet
“Why is a cow pooping a cake?” – in childhood, a guest in the village with relatives, many probably asked this question. However, not everyone, having matured, found the answer to it. Let’s try to figure it out.
Why does a cow poop a cake: about dietary habits
For First you need to plunge into history in order to understand how the cow’s diet was formed. It’s a mammal, for sure noticed, far from small. And him ancestors were no less, and sometimes even more.
В nature, there is one indisputable law: the larger the living being, the it is better adapted to survive. В including the best food can for yourself get. That’s how the cows took the most enviable plains with the most juicy, useful and delicious food.
IMPORTANT: But it is well known that the quality of the feed affects the consistency of the feces.
It The rule applies to all living beings. As for the cows, they eat so selective grass that they don’t have the need to absorb everything. For to better understand this, it is recommended pay attention to statistics. In pastures, experts say, there are about 800 plant species. A cow, on the other hand, absorbs only 150 of them! From this, it can be concluded that that cows are incredibly selective and get very good quality food.
Sufficient amount of moisture and nutrients affects how the animal sucks as we have said. В a cow patty contains approximately 77% liquid. А that’s enough! That is why it arises such a cake texture. Plus of course However, do not forget that the water cows also consume a lot.
Let’s talk about features cow physiology
Necessary in terms of physiology, consider the following features:
- For to understand why cow pooping cake need to take another look at it dimensions. She can, as it is easy to understand, eat more food. And drink more water at the same time – such a moment is sure affects the consistency of feces. Как as a rule, per day an adult cow drinks one fourth of the water, based on your weight. It means a healthy high-yielding individual.
- Next the length of the intestine must be taken into account. On the at first glance, it might seem that since the cow is larger, then her intestines longer. But it’s not. In this case diet plays a role. Since the food cows, as mentioned earlier, and so rich in nutrients, there is no need to “squeeze out the last juices” from grass. That yes, the process of digestion is going on faster. И at the exit after such digestion as soon as a liquid product is obtained – pancake.
В Nothing happens by chance in nature. We are convinced of this every day. And even, seemingly completely prosaic the topic of who shits like, fits perfectly into this pattern.