Why a cat licks a person: common reasons
Why does a cat constantly lick its owner, itself or any objects? Agree, this can be confusing. However, other people are touched by this behavior of a pet. So what are the reasons? And is it really worth worrying about this?
Why does a cat lick a person: common causes
So, why can a pet behave In a similar way?
- Answering to the question of why cat licks human, it should be understood that the animal thinks he is the owner – part of her pack. Therefore, and pet tries to treat a person the way he treats himself or others cats. Since childhood, the animal has remembered how his mother licked him – by this very she showed her love as well protected from enemies. After all, producing similar actions, the cat destroyed scent by which a predator can find baby, and at the same time taught him to care for behind you. Therefore, when the cat is piling up on the head owner and licks his hair, face, we can safely say that the pet loves a person very much and takes patronage over it.
- On experts’ opinion, especially lick human kittens, which taken away from mother early. hiding under the armpits of the owner, like a kitten would remember how he hid under his mother, breastfed her. armpits ideal for resurrect that memory. So Kitten feels safe falls into the comfort zone.
- Incidentally, armpits can be licked by an adult a cat that just doesn’t like it smell from this area. It’s no secret that this part of the human body is the most so to speak, flavored. As are the legs. Licking these body parts of the owner, cat seeks at all costs to cover his scent. By the way, like this at the same time he marks his master as territory. Also may not like the smell of shampoo or deodorant – in such cases, the animal “delivers” a loved one person from suspicious, according to his opinion, fragrances.
- By the way about sweat. Sweat is associated with the release of salt. And cats love this salt – so, by the way, they often turn their attention to arms man, his fingers. Maybe pay attention to the diet pets – he probably lacks minerals. But this is completely unnecessary, because the taste of salt can attract cats even when their diet is sufficient balanced.
- Especially sociable cats start to get nervous, when the owners do not give them their due attention. And, starting to caress and lick their people, they are so way once again remind of themselves and ask for fellowship.
- It is worth remember that the owner touched the last. Maybe it was something tasty? In such the cat just wanted to try the source of this smell. For the same reason he might want to lick packages, for example.
When to worry
But in which cases licking should alert?
- Some cats have a very vulnerable nature. This is especially true for representatives and representatives of the “eastern” breeds – Persian cats, for example. They are extremely excitable, and even change tray locations are capable of them upset. What to say about visiting veterinarian, moving, away, etc.! AT in such cases, it begins to appear psychogenic alopecia – permanent licking yourself that borders on obsessive idea. Lick at the same time animal can and host what happens often. Как experts say, it leads their thoughts and feelings in order, trying to handle the stress.
- Sometimes there is a so-called “perversion” taste “when the cat just licks all around. It goes to both the owner and things. This happens because food not balanced enough. Costs experiment with diet maybe something needs to be removed, but to add something.
- That when it comes to licking yourself, in some cases, some diseases. For example, sometimes it is about diabetes, leukemia, immunodeficiency viral nature, worms, allergies. If licking accompanied by others changes that cause caution, definitely worth it show the pet to a specialist.
Any animal behavior is dictated by those or other reasons. And, of course, if puzzles any aspect, better learn about their primary sources – then Everything immediately falls into place!