Which turtle is better to have at home for a child, how to choose the right one
Turtles can be kept at home for people with a lack of free time. They are unpretentious in care, do not require outdoor walking, do not harm the environment. It is enough to feed babies once a day, adults need food less often. The absence of hair and odors makes reptiles good neighbors for allergy sufferers. The pet will not bask on his knees, follow commands, but it is pleasant to take care of him, to watch his life and development.
What turtles can be kept at home
To choose a turtle for your home, it is more convenient to start by evaluating the subspecies. All species are divided into three types: land, freshwater and marine. The latter are the most exotic, they are more expensive, more demanding on accessories and care. Therefore, terrestrial and freshwater species are usually presented in pet stores.
At home, the size of the pet plays an important role. You should focus immediately on the parameters of an adult. The container for the turtle should be at least three times its height in length.
For home maintenance, you can take a land or water breed. In any case, the animal needs to protect the space or purchase a terrarium. Living on the floor leads to illness or injury.
It is better for beginner breeders, as well as families with children, to refrain from aggressive breeds. The large caiman tortoise has a bad temper and powerful jaws. The vulture and trionics also demonstrate an intractable character.
The most common species on display are red-eared, painted, marsh and Central Asian. Occasionally there is a musky breed, notable for its miniature size. All of these cold-blooded have a more accommodating character. If you plan to have a turtle at home for a child, it is better to pay attention to one of them.
The difference between land and freshwater turtles
To understand which reptile is better to buy, you can first make a choice between families. Representatives of each of them need land, but freshwater will spend less time on the coast. Land animals prefer firm ground under their feet.
Benefits of aquatic turtles:
- bright appearance, wider range of species;
- high, in comparison with land, activity;
- most breeds are bred in captivity.
Freshwater are predominantly predators. Their diet should contain fish, insects and seafood. They often show roughness of character through bites, but much depends on the temperament of a particular individual.
Reasons to choose a land tortoise:
- a vegetarian diet is more convenient and cheaper;
- predominantly accommodating character;
- cleaning in a terrarium without water is easier;
- high mobility, the pet can travel with the owners if necessary.
Most land breeds are listed in the Red Book. When trying to cross the border, there may be problems with paperwork for the reptile.
Who is better boy or girl
Visual differences between male and female turtles appear after puberty is completed. Until two years old, it is impossible to accurately determine a boy or a girl hiding under the shell. For single content, the difference is not fundamental.
Female turtles of any species will follow nature’s program of laying eggs, even without contact with a male. If more than two years have passed since the last meeting with a representative of the opposite sex, there will be no offspring. The body of a reptile during this period needs support with vitamins. The process in rare cases can adversely affect the health of the pet. Male tortoises are generally noisier than females. They are more active, more often show aggression.
If you need to choose a second turtle, the placement will have to be carefully planned. Boys of any breed rarely get along with each other. Girls are more suitable for pair keeping. When a heterosexual couple lives together, the male can oppress the female. Turtles are comfortable being alone.
How to choose a healthy turtle
If it is decided to have a turtle at home for a child, it is better not to take risks and avoid shopping in unreliable places. It is advisable to contact a trusted pet store, or look for experienced breeders. You can meet them at reptile shows.
Turtle Health Signs:
- even breathing through the nose without wheezing or whistling;
- lack of defects on the shell and skin;
- does not keep the mouth open for a long time;
- there is no discharge from the eyes or nose;
- moves briskly on land, without falling over on its side, without stumbling;
- mucous membranes in the mouth of an even pink color.
When buying red-eared and other freshwater reptiles, make sure that the animal dives. Reluctance to dive underwater may indicate lung problems. Serious sellers can provide a veterinary health certificate for the pet.
It is useful to assess the living conditions of turtles at the seller. If the enclosures are dirty, overcrowded, there is an unpleasant smell in the room, and the maintenance standards are not observed, the animals may have developmental pathologies.
Useful Tips
It is more convenient to buy turtles from late spring to early autumn. In the warm season, the likelihood of catching a cold reptile during delivery to the house is reduced. It is worthwhile to prepare a closing box with ventilation holes in advance and cover it with paper. Trionics are transported in water, or wrapped in a damp cloth.
To bring a reptile home in cold weather, you need a heating pad. Cold-blooded animals can’t generate heat on their own, so wrapping in cloth won’t help keep you warm.
The seller must take the relevant documents of purchase. This will help you get compensation if the reptile is sick. Papers may be needed when crossing the border, or reselling the animal.
When buying a red-eared turtle, or other breeds that are not protected species, the seller must provide a receipt and a veterinary certificate. If the reptile is included in the Cites lists, or is listed in the Red Book, special certificates from government agencies and confirmation of the legal origin of the individual will be required.
Video: how to choose a land turtle
Video: how to choose a red-eared turtle
How to choose a turtle for keeping at home
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