Which cat litter to choose?
Have you heard of the unpleasant “cat” smell? So, this is a myth! If the cat is properly cared for and its litter box is kept clean, there will be no unpleasant smell in the apartment. A great helper in this is a good tray filler. What are the fillers and how to choose the right one? About this in our article.
There is a huge selection of cat litters in pet stores. The most popular today are wood, silica gel and clay (clumping) fillers. There are also mineral, corn, paper, zeolite and even soy pulp fillers. What are their main advantages and disadvantages?
- Clay fillers are very popular with cats. They absorb moisture better than others and form dense lumps that are easy to clean. Cons: Requires frequent replacement. The quality of the filler directly depends on the quality of the clay.
- Wood is an environmentally friendly material. Suitable for kittens, as safe to eat. Affordable and does not cause allergies. Of the minuses: it quickly crumbles and spreads around the apartment, needs frequent replacement.
- Silica gel – absorbs and retains odor well, does not need to be changed often, economical. Cons: high price, hissing when wet (may scare away a cat), the filler needs to be mixed regularly in the tray. If the cat manages to swallow the filler, problems with the gastrointestinal tract cannot be avoided.
- Corn and mineral – natural materials, safe for kittens. They absorb well and are easy to clean. Cons: requires a complete replacement, gets tangled in wool and spreads around the apartment.
Fillers of all types are designed to make it easier for the owner to care for the cat, eliminate unpleasant odors and keep the litter box clean. They differ from each other in composition, principle of operation, ease of use, consumption rate, price and other parameters.
Finding the perfect filler the first time is a great success. Usually you have to try different options before finding one that suits both the cat and its owner. But we will help you avoid mistakes and unnecessary expenses. What is the best litter for cats?
If you are going to the pet store for litter, take note of these points. Carefully read the information on the package, if necessary, ask questions to the consultant and consider which option is more convenient for you. This way you can avoid mistakes and unnecessary expenses.
1. Composition.
The filler must be safe for the pet. There are cases when an inappropriate filler caused an allergic reaction and dermatological diseases. Give preference to natural fill without additives and synthetic flavors and do not use materials that are not intended for the tray.
It is strongly not recommended to use newspaper, cotton wool and other materials that are not intended for this as a filler. They not only do not cope with their function, but can also be dangerous for the pet.
2. The degree of absorption and odor control.
Absorbing and eliminating unpleasant odors is the main task of the filler. Read how well the filler does its job.
Clumping filler made of bentonite (clay from volcanic ash) effectively fights against an unpleasant odor. It instantly absorbs moisture and forms strong lumps that hold the smell for a long time and are easy to remove from the tray.
3. Ease of use.
There is no universal filler that all owners and pets like without exception. Some like wood fillers, others like clay fillers, and still others cannot imagine life without silica gel fillers.
Decide in advance which type of filler is preferable for you. Absorbent fillers can be replaced less often, but the entire tray will have to be cleaned. Clumps require frequent attention, but allow only the contaminated part to be removed, which reduces their consumption and saves time.
4. No dust!
It is better not to consider the filler, which is crumbling and gathering dust. Otherwise, the cat will carry it on its paws throughout the apartment, and you will be tormented to clean it up. But what’s even worse: the pet will regularly inhale small particles, and this can lead to allergies and even asthma.
5. Dimensions of granules.
It’s great if the litter fits your cat in terms of the size of the granules: it will be much more comfortable for her to use it. For example, small granules are suitable for kittens, and large granules for long-haired cats so that they do not get tangled in their luxurious fur.
Ideally, when a brand offers a filler with several types of granules at once (as in the Biokats filler), that is, one filler combines small, medium, and large granules. This is a universal formula for all cats, which copes with several tasks at once:
- Large granules – quickly absorb the smell and prevent it from spreading around the apartment. This is achieved due to the wide porous surface and high absorption capacity.
- Medium-sized granules fill the space between large and small granules, quickly absorb liquids and form dense lumps that are easy to remove with a scoop.
- Small granules form tiny flat lumps and reduce the consumption of the filler, allowing it to be used longer.
6. Low price is not always a plus!
When choosing a line, you should not focus on low cost. Of course, you always want to take the cheaper option and save money. But in practice, such “savings” will result in unnecessary costs and inconvenience in use.
You can take the filler by weight for 100 rubles, but it will be carried throughout the apartment on its paws and after the first two applications it will start to smell strongly. You will have to replace it more often and it will run out faster. Add to this the inconvenience of cleaning and the risk that the cat will not want to use it because of the rapid contamination and will prefer a cozy corner of your bedroom for “their own business”.
Fillers of a higher price category (for example, premium) fully pay for themselves. They retain the smell for a long time, they do not need to be changed often, they do not gather dust and are not taken out of the tray.
A big plus is that premium fillers can have their own technologies that increase efficiency. For example, in clay fillers Biokats is AromaProtect odor control technology. Aromatic molecules capture the unpleasant odor of urine and replace it with a pleasant fresh aroma for the human sense of smell.
7. Can be flushed down the toilet.
This item can hardly be called mandatory, but in practice it makes life very easy. If your litter can be flushed down the toilet, cleaning up after your cat will be much easier!
And finally: always be guided by the preferences of your cat. If she doesn’t get used to the new litter after a couple of days, keep looking for the right one. For any health problems: coughing, sneezing, skin rashes, etc., promptly show the cat to a veterinarian.
We wish your cat a perfectly clean litter box!