Where should a puppy sleep?
A happy day has come: a tiny puppy has appeared in your house. He is so small and defenseless, he misses his mother so much that it is a pity to leave him alone even for an hour. You can spend the whole day with him, but what about at night? Is it possible to run a puppy into the bedroom and take it to your bed?
Where should a puppy sleep? – Each owner has his own answer to this question. Someone allows a Pomeranian to climb onto his pillow, and someone does not mind if a Great Dane does the same.
Many dog owners do not interfere with the puppy’s attempts to jump onto the bed and, on the contrary, welcome them. The baby worries less, falls asleep better and just rejoices being closer to the owner, and the owner rejoices that the pet is in sight and can be stroked at any time. It is believed that co-sleeping strengthens the relationship between the owner and the pet. It is really very important for someone to be inseparable, even in a dream!
The other half believes that a dog is still not a cat, and it is better if she has her own place, preferably not in the bedroom. In their opinion, allowing a puppy (and then an adult dog) to jump on the bed is unhygienic. And it’s not just about molting. The dog goes for walks every day. On her coat and paws remain the dirt that she will bring to the sheets. In addition, there is always a risk of infection with ectoparasites, and no one wants to find a flea on their pillow.
Secondly, such “indulgences” can lead to problems in education. If the puppy was allowed to sleep on the bed today, then he will want the same tomorrow, and will be sincerely perplexed if he is not allowed into the bedroom. An upset pet will start whining at the door, scratching it, trying with all his might to attract attention, ignoring his couch, etc.
If you are the second half and want to avoid such situations, do not let the puppy sleep on the bed from the very beginning. By the time the puppy arrives in a new home, you should already prepare a place for him – a soft, warm bed in a quiet part of the apartment, away from drafts and household appliances. It is necessary to accustom the baby to the place from the first day. Yes, the baby will whine at night. Yes, you will feel sorry for him – but only a few days will pass, and he will adapt, get used to his couch and be truly happy. And you will get a well-mannered pet, and you will never have to think about how to wean the dog from jumping on the bed. Remember, dogs grow very fast. And if today a shepherd puppy sleeps comfortably under your side, then in just a few months it will take up the entire bed. Are you ready to reclaim territory?
The article “” will help to facilitate the first nights of a puppy in a new house.
But if hair problems do not scare you, if you are ready to wash your pet every day after walking and share pillows with him, then why not let him go to bed? The main thing is that everything suits everyone and … that there are enough blankets for everyone!