What you need to know about the composition of treats for cats and dogs
Treats have many functions. They help us in upbringing and training, add variety to the diet, allow us to build a trusting relationship with the pet and please him just like that, for no reason. But there is one more – the most important – function of treats: they should keep the pet healthy, just like a daily balanced food. But not all treats are up to the task.
We will talk about the composition of the “right” delicacies in our article.
Treats for cats and dogs can be divided into two large groups: those already prepared from the pet store and those that the owner prepares on his own. Let’s talk about the second first.
If you want to prepare treats for your dog or cat yourself, it is important to understand the main rule: you can only use products that are really good for your pet. Your sausage, even the most beloved, is not suitable for the role of a treat for a pet. As well as any other food prepared for human nutrition (they contain a lot of salt and spices, which can be dangerous for our four-legged friends). Treats for the pet you will have to prepare separately. By the way, on the Internet you can find many interesting healthy recipes for treats for dogs and cats. But before you try yourself in the role of a cook for pets, it is better to coordinate the recipe with a veterinarian.
As for ready-made delicacies, they can also be divided into two large groups: traditional daily delicacies and therapeutic / prophylactic. The former are used in daily life to encourage the pet, education, diet diversity, and the latter are prescribed if the animals have any disease or special nutritional needs. If the delicacy is medicinal, this information will be indicated on the package.
When choosing treats, we recommend giving preference to premium brands. They use only high-quality products in production and fully disclose the composition. This is important because the risk of intolerance to such treats is minimal. With budget treats, the situation is reversed. The composition may not include selected meat, but low-quality offal, to which the pet’s body will react negatively.
Before buying, carefully study the composition of the delicacy. What to pay attention to?
- The first ingredient in the composition should be meat (or meat + offal), fish or seafood.
- It must be precisely indicated which source of protein and in what percentage is included in the composition. For example: meat and organ meats (lamb 52%, beef heart 40%).
Avoid the vague wording “sub-products” or “meat products” without deciphering. So you actually will not know what to feed your pet.
- The composition of treats may include cereals – this is useful. But it is better that cereals are not the first (that is, the main ingredient).
- Vegetables, herbs, berries, fruits as part of treats will be an advantage. They are sources of vitamins, which also give the treat a new exquisite taste.
- The composition should not contain artificial colors, flavors, GMOs and soy. Especially if your pet has sensitive digestion.
- The composition should not contain components that cause a negative reaction in a pet: digestive problems or allergy symptoms.
Fortunately, now the choice of delicacies is simply huge. You can even find mono-protein treats: they contain only one source of animal protein (one type of meat). That is, for example, if a cat has a reaction to chicken and beef, you can give her treats only from fish or only from a rabbit.
In addition to the composition, it is important to pay attention to the integrity of the packaging. It should not have dents or cracks, otherwise the quality of the treat may suffer.
It is better to purchase treats from the same brand as your pet’s daily food. A specific manufacturer uses components of a certain quality in production and prepares them according to certain methods. Usually products of different lines within the same brand are well combined with each other and are easy to digest.
Do not change brands of food or treats unnecessarily. Diet changes are stressful for the body.
And finally, an important rule. Be sure to follow the norm of feeding treats and do not replace them with a full meal.
We wish your pets the most delicious and healthy delicacies!