What you need for a hamster: a list of necessary for the appearance of a pet in the house
The acquisition of a domestic rodent is always a pleasant chore and a joyful anticipation of a new inhabitant in the house, which will fill it with mischievous rustling and love. Having surrendered to emotions, it is easy to forget about the most important thing: what is needed for a hamster who is about to arrive in a new apartment? You can’t do it with just a cage and gifts, and therefore we offer you a brief overview of the most necessary things for a domestic rodent. You will learn how to get a hamster right and make his cage comfortable for permanent residence.
Necessary purchases for meeting a hamster
The main list with important attributes for the content of the jungar or the Syrian hamster fits into several names. So, before the appearance of a pet in the house, you need to prepare:
- cell;
- drinker;
- feeder;
- filler;
- wheel;
- house.
When buying a cage for a hamster, it is important to consider the size of the pet, choosing the optimal space for the future home.
Growing up, the Syrian rodents are twice as large as the Dzungarian, so a small cage can become cramped over time.
Do not forget that it is also necessary to place useful accessories for the pet in it – a running wheel and a cozy house in which the hamster will sleep with pleasure.
You should not neglect the purchase of a wheel in order to save space, since the treadmill is a guarantee of your pet’s health. Living in nature, rodents are able to run more than 20 km daily in search of food, which allows them to maintain good physical shape and strong immunity. At home, left without the ability to actively move, rodents can become depressed or simply put on weight, which will adversely affect their health.
A small wooden house inside the cage will replace the animal’s usual mink, in which you can hide from bright light and relax. Often hamsters use such houses as a pantry, making edible supplies. Therefore, the accessory must be cleaned 1 to 2 times a week, periodically removing the remnants of provisions from it. This is especially true of fresh foods that the rodent regales on: slices of bananas, cheese or meat. Regular cleaning will protect the animal from possible food poisoning, which can lead to sad consequences.
As a filler for the cage, you can use ordinary straw or its pressed counterparts, which are easy to buy at any veterinary store.
Be sure to lay a high-quality bedding in the cage that can absorb not only the hamster’s waste products, but also specific odors.
What should be in a hamster’s cage besides the filler is paper napkins or other paper of a soft structure. With their help, the animal will build cozy nests for breeding, and also use it as a toilet. By filling a certain corner of the cage with napkins, you can accustom the rodent to the place of the sanitary zone, which will greatly facilitate the task of cleaning its territory in the future.
What else does a hamster in a cage need for a happy life
It’s time to turn to additional, but completely optional accessories that will bring additional joy to the Dzungarian or Syrian pet. These items include:
- stairs;
- storey shelf;
- trumpet;
- hammock;
- swing;
- toys
The listed items can be safely attributed to excesses, since they are not of strategic interest to hamsters. Moving up stairs or wandering in a plastic pipe to the animal successfully replaces the running wheel, with the help of which a significant part of the energy is consumed and all the muscles of the small rodent are trained. Of course, if you have a spacious cage and a desire to provide your pet with the full range of possible entertainment, the purchase of such items is not forbidden.
But do not forget about the quality of toys. When choosing plastic cars or tunnels, pay attention to possible defects in objects. They should not contain cracks or small gaps, since a mobile animal can injure a foot by landing in such a hole. It will be difficult for him to get out on his own and, trying to free himself, the hamster may suffer even more.
What you need to know about hamsters in perspective
The appearance of a rodent in the house is not limited to the primary set of items, since the constant stay in the cage will not solve the problem of the correct maintenance of the steppe animals. Given the characteristics of the health and nature of animals, the following acquisitions will not be superfluous:
- walking ball;
- special carrying;
- mineral stone.
A constant stay in a cage can get boring for a pet, because in their free life these creatures are used to being on the move – to explore the surroundings, getting food. It would be very handy to buy a walking ball for a hamster, in which the animal can safely move around the entire apartment, and the owner does not have to worry about his loss.
The presence of a carrier will become relevant already in the second month of the pet’s stay in the house, since he will have to go to the veterinary clinic to receive the necessary vaccinations. In addition to grafting, animals tend to get sick, requiring an urgent examination by a doctor. Moving an animal in a cardboard box is associated with the risk of its escape: on the way to the doctor, the hamster can gnaw a hole in the “carrier” and retreat without the opportunity to return to its beloved owner.
Installing a mineral stone in the cage will allow the rodent to replenish the body’s vitamin reserves daily, from time to time gnawing off useful pieces of minerals. So he can effectively strengthen the teeth and the skeletal system, while maintaining good health.
Do not forget that the hamster needs to present not only a special stone, but also a separate complex of vitamins as an additional feeding.
They can be contained in a balanced diet designed specifically for pet rodents.
For the appearance of a hamster in the house, very few mandatory items are required that will create comfortable living conditions, filling it with activity, satiety and comfort. The most important thing is to choose high-quality accessories and filler, using which the animal will not be able to harm health.
What you need to keep a hamster in the house
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