What vaccinations should a ferret get?
Vaccination is a mandatory measure for the prevention of the most serious diseases of ferrets. To neglect it means to put at risk not only the health of the pet, but also your own. Many cases are known when owners became infected with rabies from their pets, and the mortality rate from this disease is appalling. But just think, these consequences could have been avoided thanks to timely vaccinations. Read our article about vaccinations that ferrets need to do.
Vaccination is a mandatory measure for the prevention of the most serious diseases of ferrets. To neglect it means to put at risk not only the health of the pet, but also your own. Many cases are known when owners became infected with rabies from their pets, and the mortality rate from this disease is appalling. But just think, these consequences could have been avoided thanks to timely vaccinations. Read our article about vaccinations that ferrets need to do.
The most common infectious diseases are:
- plague;
- contagious hepatitis;
- parvovirus enteritis;
- leptospirosis.
Infection with these diseases often leads to serious consequences, up to death. The course of the disease is severe, especially for puppies, whose body has not yet had time to get stronger.
Rabies is less common in ferrets. However, being a fatal disease, dangerous for both pets and humans, it needs preventive measures.
Additionally, at the request of the owners, pets can be vaccinated against pseudomonosis, ringworm, butulism, salmonellosis and tuberculosis. For more information on vaccinations for a particular ferret, please consult your veterinarian.
Remember that this procedure is carried out only for healthy pets. A week before vaccination, he needs to be dewormed. An organism weakened by various diseases or infected with parasites cannot form a powerful immune response to an irritant. Thus, the vaccination will not only not bring results, but will also lead to a severe course of the disease, from which, on the contrary, it was supposed to protect the pet. If you have noted that the ferret is unwell or if he has recently suffered any illness, it is recommended to postpone the vaccination.
The first procedure against infectious diseases (except rabies) is carried out after 2 months. Since at this age, pets, as a rule, retain maternal immunity, the vaccine is administered twice with an interval of 2 weeks. Later, it is necessary to vaccinate the animal once a year.
The first rabies vaccination for ferrets is given at the age of six months. And then every year.
After the procedure, the pet is quarantined. During this period, the owner should carefully monitor the animal, as there is a risk of complications (acute allergic reactions that occur within an hour, or the manifestation of the disease itself). Noticing complications, it is necessary to immediately contact a veterinarian.
Remember that the quality of preventive measures depends on both the correct preparation of the pet and the vaccine used. Under no circumstances should you buy it by hand. Contact veterinarians who use modern drugs. Do not forget that the well-being of ferrets depends on us and health is not an area that should be neglected.
Be healthy!