What toys does a cat need?
Curiosity and a desire to play is an indicator of the well-being of cats. No matter how plush your cat is, first of all, by nature, he is a real hunter. And in the conditions of home keeping, it is games that serve as an imitation of hunting for a cat, as well as a way to maintain good physical shape.
The activity of a pet largely depends on its temperament. Many cats are ready to rush around the apartment around the clock, while others with great pleasure bask on the couch. But even if your cat is a born phlegmatic, he will never give up his favorite game. And this desire must be encouraged.
Cat games are not only interesting leisure and physical activity, but also intellectual development and a way to deal with stress. It will also not be superfluous to mention that exciting toys have already saved a lot of furniture and wallpaper from the sharp claws of bored pets.
Many problems with the behavior of a cat are often solved with the help of exciting toys. After moving to a new home, it is toys and the attention of others that distract the kitten from longing for her mother, toys reduce stress when transporting the animal and save him from boredom during a long absence of the owner. Interesting tasks offered to cats in the form of interactive toys and puzzle toys develop ingenuity and teach them to find a solution in non-standard situations. Again, interactive toys that pets can play on their own are a lifesaver for owners of hyperactive cats who are always in need of attention. All sorts of teasers designed for joint games of the owner and pet become another reason for having fun and teach you to better understand each other.
Many cat owners complain that their pets disturb their sleep. Cats are nocturnal animals, and many of them simply love to rush around the apartment at night. Toys help solve this problem too. There are special “silent” cat toys available at pet stores that your pet can play with at night without making any noise or disturbing your sleep.
It’s amazing how many things have been saved thanks to toys! Out of boredom, our pet predators may decide to get to the eaves along the curtain, tear the back of the sofa or roll the personal belongings of the owners throughout the apartment. However, if the pet’s attention is drawn to an exciting game, its destructive behavior will remain in the past.
But what toys will a cat like? In this matter, much depends on the individual preferences of the cat. But as a win-win option, you can bring a variety of teasers, all kinds of balls, wobblers, three-story tracks for cats, electronic interactive toys (like the GiGwi Pet Droid) and, of course, toys soaked in catnip. Buy toys to play with your pet and toys that your cat can play on their own. The more toys your cat has, the better. Capricious predators quickly get bored with monotonous games, but if they have plenty to choose from, happy leisure is guaranteed!
By the way, you can read more about cat games in our other article.
The choice of toys is an interesting and exciting process that will help the owner to better understand the habits and preferences of the pet. Your cat will definitely appreciate it!