What to do if the cat sheds heavily: causes of shedding, methods of treatment and recommendations from veterinarians
Shedding of pets would not cause so much discussion if it did not cause inconvenience to the owners. When a cat sheds, the hair constantly gets into the nose, mouth, eyes, it becomes difficult to breathe, sometimes this leads to allergic reactions. Wool will stick to all household items and clothes, furniture, carpets and so on.
The cat sheds heavily: what to do? If the cat is fluffy, then it will not be possible to avoid molting, but you can light these manifestations to a minimum even before the process itself. Periodically, the cat needs to be pulled by the fur, if whole shreds of wool remain in the hands, then it’s time to take urgent measures.
Why does a cat shed a lot
Always before you start solving a problem, you need to understand the reason that caused it. With the question of why a cat sheds heavily, first of all, you need to turn to nature. If the animal lives on the street, then the amount of wool varies depending on the season. In winter, cats build up wool, and with the onset of spring they shed it. The same thing happens at home, but in smaller quantities.
At home, the periods of building up and shedding a fur coat may vary. Instincts can fail and then molting can occur several times a year, and some other factors also contribute to this. If the apartment is constantly kept same temperature level, it is hot in winter and cold in summer, then the cat will not understand what season it is. Similarly, the light in the house artificially lengthens the day, which also affects the natural processes of the animal.
The answer to the question why a cat sheds is not only a natural factor. Molting can be caused by various internal and external problems. This may be a hormonal failure in an animal or dermatological problems. It is possible to identify a specific cause only after conducting a clinical study in a veterinary clinic.
Wool may fall out due to unbalanced nutrition. If the food is chosen incorrectly or it is of poor quality, it contains an insufficient amount of minerals and vitamins, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids do not enter, then the coat can become faded, dry and even begin to fall out.
It is not possible to completely avoid shedding as it is a natural process.
What to do if the cat sheds heavily
After finding out the reasons why the cat sheds, you can begin to implement special measures. The owners must be prepared that it will take a long time to restore the animal’s body, so for a long time they will have to suffer from the ubiquitous wool.
If the cat is long-haired, then her hair needs to be brushed not only during molting, but also during normal periods of life. Special combs are used, which not only comb out excess hairs, but also thin out the “fur coat”. They are made of steel, and the chrome coating allows you to remove the undercoat. If it is not possible to purchase a special comb, then you can use a bristle brush.
During the shedding period, you need to comb the cat as often as possible so that the wool does not spread throughout the house. It is better to carry out the procedure 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening.
During molting, it will be advisable use medicated shampoos. They are only suitable for healthy skin, so a veterinarian should help make the choice.
You also need to review the cat’s diet. If the animal is accustomed to a certain food, then you can not change it. It will be enough to add special additives, vitamins, fatty acids to the feed.
Sold in veterinary pharmacies special preparationsthat contribute to the withdrawal of wool from the stomach. They will come out in small clumps. This will relieve the torment of both the residents of the house and the animal.
The following diseases can be the cause of molting:
- fungus;
- lichen;
- worms;
- dermatitis;
- leukemia.
All these reasons can be eliminated only with the help of medical preparations. Hair loss in this case is only an alarming reason for going to the doctor, in fact, other organs may also suffer. You need to pay attention to scratches on the cat’s body, ulcers, the presence of dandruff. During skin diseases, the cat is actively licked, combed out, itching appears.
In summary, the main reasons could be:
- Insufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.
- seasonal events.
- Stress.
- Skin diseases.
Additional recommendations
Negatively affects the animal’s coat high air temperature. If the animal likes to lie on the windowsill near the battery, then you need to try to find a new cozy place for it. The room must be regularly ventilated, do not allow the air to dry out. In winter, the skin dries faster, because low air humidity negatively affects the lipid layer of the skin. This applies not only to animals, but also to people.
Failure in the body of a cat can occur due to stress. This can be for a variety of reasons, such as moving to a new place of residence or the appearance of a new tenant in the house. After the cat’s adaptation period, shedding will end.
Not only during molting, but every spring the cat needs provide adequate nutrition. It doesn’t matter whether it is natural or industrial nutrition. Be sure to get enough fatty acids and protein in the body. With natural feeding, it is difficult to give the animal vitamins and minerals, so they are purchased separately at the pharmacy.