What to do if the cat is lost?
Care and Maintenance

What to do if the cat is lost?

Cats remember the way home very well, so the chances of losing a pet that periodically walks on the street tend to zero. Another thing is pets. Alas, they are poorly oriented in unfamiliar areas, especially if they are under stress. But here there is a plus: cats, unlike dogs, do not go far from home. Therefore, if you do everything right and act according to the plan, the chance of finding a missing pet is quite large.

Start your search as soon as possible

Don’t wait for your pet to come home. The search should begin as soon as you discover the loss. Most likely, the cat, frightened by the street, hid in a secluded place not far from the house. Of course, in this state, she simply cannot find her way back.

In order for the search to be effective, follow a number of simple rules:

  • Keep calm. On the street, do not scream, cry and panic. The cat may be frightened by loud noises. Call her calmly, without unnecessary emotions.
  • Pick a time. The ideal time to search for a lost pet is evening, night and early morning. The street becomes quieter, and the animal may dare to leave a secluded place.
  • Pay attention to hidden places. Usually a scared pet will look for a quiet place, so most often the fugitives hide in basements, attics, under stairs. Sometimes they can be found on the tree.
  • Dress more comfortably. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes when you go searching. Most likely, you will not only have to walk a lot, but also inspect hard-to-reach and rather dirty places.
  • Ask for help. Connect to search for neighbors, friends, janitors and even children playing in the yard. The more people who know about the loss, the higher the chance of finding a pet.
  • Set out the “lures”. Place food bowls near the house. A hungry fugitive can go to the smell. But be prepared for the fact that the food will also attract homeless animals.
  • Tell me about the loss. Put up notices that a cat is lost, do not only in my own yard, but also in neighboring ones. The coverage rule also applies here: the more, the better, but not less than 100 ads. Be sure to check them every two or three days, as many can be torn off or simply taped over. In addition, you can turn to social networks for help. In order for the search to be effective, the ad must be detailed.

How to write a missing cat notice?

  1. Describe your pet. Specify the animal’s size, color, coat type, eye color and breed. The text may, for example, look like this: “A cat named Murka was lost. Large short-haired, gray with tan, green eyes.
  2. Special signs. Be sure to indicate the characteristic features and signs to help people immediately recognize your pet. But do not list them all – this way you will protect yourself from scammers. The fact is that often the attackers call on the announcements of the loss and demand a reward for the pet they allegedly found. In this case, ask them to name those signs of the animal that you did not indicate in the ad.
  3. Place a photo. Of course, no description will be as informative as a photo of a pet. Choose a full-length photo, of good quality, so that the cat is easy to recognize. It is better to print ads on a color printer.
  4. Enter your address and phone number. Be sure to write your address and the area where the cat was lost in the ad. Be sure to include several phone numbers where you can be contacted.
  5. Take care of the reward. The line about the reward is a great motivation for the search. It would be even better to indicate the amount of money that you are ready to give to the finder.

It is also important to contact shelters and veterinary clinics in your area. Alas, people who have not always discovered a cat can guess that the animal is domestic. In this case, the staff of the clinic or shelter will be able to inform you if they bring the found animal.

The presence of a microchip in a cat will greatly facilitate the search. It contains data that allows you to quickly contact the owner.

February 19 2018

Updated: February 22, 2018

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