What to do if a rat sneezes

Pets are just as susceptible to colds and various diseases as people. What to do if a rat sneezes – the answer to this question will depend on the symptoms and behavior of the animal.
Why does a rat sneeze
The process of sneezing helps the animal to clear the nasal passages and in itself does not yet mean illness. Various situations can cause such a natural reaction of the body.
Mucosal irritation
The reason may be in the filler – if it does not absorb moisture well, the cage will be too damp for the rat. Some types of dry litter contain small particles, dust, villi that enter the animal’s nose, irritate the mucous membrane and cause sneezing. Therefore, the first step is to check the filler and try to replace it with another one.
Deviated septum
This genetic defect often causes rats to sneeze regularly. Due to the curvature, the mucosa cannot be cleansed naturally, mucus accumulates, and the animal itself clears the nasal passages as needed. If there are no other symptoms, and the rat is alert and active, then there is nothing to worry about.
IMPORTANT!!! The consequences of such a genetic defect usually appear at an early age. Therefore, if an adult animal begins to sneeze, a deviated septum cannot be the cause.
Stressful situation
Stress can cause any changes in the habitual way of life of the animal. A change in the location of the cage, places for daily walks, the introduction of new family members or animals in the house, loud noise or temperature changes are all common causes of stress. Therefore, if you just got a rat, and he constantly sneezes, although he looked completely healthy when he bought it, it may just be a reaction to moving to a new place. If no other symptoms are visible, create calm conditions for the animal, give vitamins – the sneezing should pass in a few days.
If all possible causes have been ruled out, and the rat is still sneezing frequently, then it is probably a disease. In this case, additional symptoms are usually observed.
Rat sneezes blood
Red discharge from the animal’s nostrils is easily mistaken for blood. In fact, this is a porphyrin – a secretion of the mucous membrane of rodents during inflammation. Typically, such a reaction is observed when infected with a virus, accompanied by the multiplication of bacteria on the nasal mucosa. This situation is very dangerous, because the infection can quickly spread to the respiratory tract, leading to the development of pneumonia.
Sneezing with blood is usually caused by a mycoplasmosis infection – in addition, the animal often loses its appetite, becomes dull and disheveled, often washes its nose to clear the secretions. In this case, complex treatment is required, and it is better to show the rat to the veterinarian as soon as possible, until complications develop.
Rat sneezes and itches
These symptoms are common for an allergic reaction or parasite infestation. Allergies can be caused by a variety of factors:
- strong odors – perfumes, air fresheners, tobacco smoke;
- new food – may also contain allergens;
- filler components, hay;
- printing ink – if newspapers are used for bedding;
- household chemicals that are used to wash the cage.
When infected with fleas or withers, the rat constantly itches, and the waste products of parasites provoke allergic sneezing. If you find symptoms of parasite infection in the animal, you need to wash it with a special zoo shampoo. If an allergy is suspected, it is necessary to exclude all possible irritants, change the filler and food, and give the rat vitamins.
IMPORTANT!!! A lack of vitamin A can also cause symptoms similar to an allergic reaction in a domestic rat. Before starting to treat an animal, it is better to show it to a doctor so as not to make a mistake in the diagnosis.
The rat sneezes and grunts
This symptom indicates a lesion in the respiratory tract. In a decorative rat, it is very difficult to distinguish sneezing from coughing, so you need to focus on heavy breathing and wheezing. Also, the appearance of the animal usually worsens, appetite decreases. With the further development of the disease, breathing is very difficult, wheezing and whistling are clearly audible, the animal tries to climb higher, lowers its head below body level, stretches its neck.
If these symptoms are present, you should immediately consult a veterinarian. A sick rat must be given injections of antibiotics and supportive drugs. Doses can only be calculated by an experienced veterinarian familiar with the characteristics of the body of small rodents. When a respiratory tract infection turns into pneumonia, it is very difficult to cure an animal, especially after the age of one and a half years.
Is it dangerous for a person
Treatment of sick animals usually takes place at home, with constant contact with the owner. The widespread opinion that diseases of decorative rodents are not dangerous to humans is only partially true. A number of diseases are not really transmitted to humans, but some infections may well develop in the human body. But the danger is still quite small, so to prevent infection, it is enough to regularly clean the cage and wash your hands thoroughly after contact with your pet and carrying out medical procedures.
Sneezing in rats
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