What not to feed a parrot

What not to feed a parrot

It is useful to know what you should never feed a parrot with.  

What not to feed a parrot

  1. Salt is poison for a parrot. It can be fatal, so never add it to your parrot’s food.
  2. Bread. It contains yeast and salt, which are not good for the parrot. If a feathered pet often eats bread, this can cause inflammation of the goiter. However, crushed white crackers can be added to a mixture of carrots and boiled eggs.
  3. Milk causes indigestion, since parrots do not have enzymes that process the lactose contained in milk. Therefore, bread soaked in milk also cannot be fed to a parrot.
  4. Chocolate. It contains theobromine, a strong toxin for birds. Never give it to a parrot!
  5. Leftover food from your table (soups, boiled, fried, floury, sweet, etc.) They not only cause obesity, but also disrupt metabolism, and subsequently lead to diseases and premature death of the bird.

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