What kind of rodent to get?

What kind of rodent to get?

Rodents are very interesting pets. They are not as difficult to care for as, for example, dogs, but they also become our best friends, real family members. However, there are a lot of rodent species, and they all differ from each other. Which rodent is right for you? Let’s talk about this in our article.

  • Rely on personal sympathy.

The main rule – do not get pets that are unpleasant to you. Even if the animal is asked by the younger members of the family. What kind of rodent is better for a child? Not the one that makes them happy. And the one that pleases you. While the children are small, the main care of the pet will fall on you. If you pick up a rat out of fear, neither you nor the rat will be happy. Of course, there is a chance that over time you will get used to it. Or maybe not. A pet is a joy, and you should enjoy taking care of it. Don’t get animals that you can’t accept.

What kind of rodent to get?

  • Such different rodents.

When choosing a pet, do not forget that the rodent rodent strife. For example, a gerbil requires much less attention than a chinchilla. If she needs minimal care, then the chinchilla needs to communicate with the owner, walk around the apartment, entertaining games, etc.

Before you get a rodent, make sure that neither you nor other family members are allergic to it!

  • Gather information.

Walk around specialized exhibitions and pet stores, chat with breeders and owners of rodents, read forums. Your task is to understand what character is more or less characteristic of a certain rodent, what kind of life he has, what conditions he needs, what care is required, what problems may arise, etc. etc. The more you learn about the types of pets, the easier it will be for you to decide.

What kind of rodent to get?

  • Avoid impulse buying.

Once at the exhibition or in the pet store, you most likely want to get a rodent here and now. But haste in this matter is a serious enemy. It is better to collect as much information as possible, think it over carefully, consolidate it, and after that purposefully go after the pet.

  • Decide on your capabilities and needs.

Honestly answer the question, why do you want to have a rodent? Do you like the unusual habits of these animals, do you want to tame the animal, or is ease of maintenance the decisive factor for you? Or maybe you have the talent of a trainer and you can’t wait to learn cool tricks with your pet? For each of these needs, separate types of rodents are suitable. If you can’t devote much time to pets and you just like to watch them, get gerbils, decorative mice or hamsters. Chinchillas, guinea pigs and degus are best suited for taming and making strong friendships. And the ideal tricksters are unconditionally obtained from decorative rats. Assess your options. How much time can you devote to a rodent, can you provide the necessary conditions for keeping? Make your choice based on these options.

What kind of rodent to get?

Whatever your decision, we are happy for you. Pets bring a lot of comfort and happiness to the house. May you have it all!

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