What kind of pet to get if there is not enough free time?
Any, even the tiniest pet, will require your attention. Every fish, hamster or turtle needs the right conditions, care and love. But if a dog, for example, needs contact with the owner 24 hours a day, then other pets are more “independent” and feel quite fine, even if the owner spends 12 hours 5 days a week at work. So, what kind of pet to get if you have little free time?
- Aquarium fish
The aquarium is wonderful. All the psychologists of the world talk about its benefits. While watching the underwater kingdom, stress and tension disappear, the heart rate evens out and sleep normalizes, and the aquarium helps hyperactive children to concentrate. There are a lot of pluses!
In addition, aquarium fish do not require much attention. Just admire them from the side, feed them, keep the aquarium clean and environmental parameters – and you’re done! You can even go on vacation for a few days by installing an automatic feeder in the aquarium, and everything will be fine with the fish!
- Turtles
Both water and land turtles feel great alone or in the company of their own kind. If the land turtle is not averse to talking with the owner and sitting in his palm, then the water turtle categorically does not accept such communication. Therefore, a turtle is a great choice for a person who works a lot. By the way, did you know that adult turtles don’t need to be fed every day? You can safely leave for the weekend without worrying about your pets.
- Ferrets
On the one hand, ferrets are very sociable and active pets. On the other hand, they sleep 20 hours a day and entertain themselves perfectly. Be sure that this pet will not be bored at the door, waiting for you from work, but will sleep well or find some exciting activity. And if you have more than one pet, but several, then they definitely will not get bored! However, upon arrival home, be sure to take time for your fluffies and play with them: they deserve it.
- Rodents: hamsters, decorative mice
There are many varieties of rodents, and they are all very different both in appearance and in character. If guinea pigs, chinchillas and rats are bored without human society, then hamsters and decorative mice are still “loners”. With one amendment: loners in relation to a person. In the company of fellow tribesmen, of course, they are better and more interesting, but if you leave on business for the whole day, they will not be upset. Just do not forget to give them special toys to diversify their leisure time.
- Cats
We specially saved this point for last, because it is controversial and not everything here is so simple. There are cats that become attached to their owners no less than dogs and look forward to their work, deeply and sincerely experiencing separation. But there are others about whom they say “walks by itself.” Such cats do not seem to notice the absence of the owner and keep at a respectful distance, even when he is at home. How to find such a pet?
The main thing is to communicate with professional breeders and learn as much as possible about the breeds. Belonging to a particular breed allows plus or minus to predict the nature of the cat, and this is exactly what we need. However, consider your choice: a cat, even the most independent one, cannot be left alone for a long time. If you go on vacation, you should at least ask relatives or friends to visit your four-legged household regularly.
Remember the saying “Measure twice, cut once”? So we urge you to think over everything a hundred times and take a responsible approach to acquiring a pet. Then he will really be a joy to you and you will make each other happy! Good luck!