What kind of fish is better to have?
When an aquarium first appears in a house, there are always many questions. And what size and what shape should the aquarium be? What to use as soil? What to decorate? And, of course, the most important question: what kind of fish to get? Let’s figure it out together.
In the world there are a huge number of varieties of aquarium fish. There are so many of them that even experienced aquarists sometimes get lost. And how difficult it is for beginners who know practically nothing about small underwater inhabitants and equip an aquarium from scratch! What kind of fish to get a beginner, how not to make a mistake?
The main thing is to act step by step, without rushing. Before making your first purchases, decide on the varieties of fish. To do this, take a walk around pet stores, watch videos, read thematic forums. What kind of fish do you like the most and what conditions do they need?
Some fish live in fresh water, others live in salt water. Some are peaceful, while others are notorious aggressors. Fish can be sensitive to the slightest fluctuations in water parameters, and can easily adapt. It is these features and needs of pets that should form the basis of your choice.
For the first aquarium, it is better to choose the most unpretentious fish. If you are planning to settle on several varieties, make sure the fish you choose are compatible, i.e. can live in the same aquarium.
The main points to pay attention to are:
climatic conditions (fresh, brackish or sea water);
temperature regime;
water parameters (hardness, acidity, etc.);
the presence of shelters;
habitat layers (there are fish that live at the bottom, in the middle layers of water or swim near the surface – they need to be evenly distributed);
eating habits, temperament and size of the fish (you don’t want one of your pets to turn into dinner for others?).
Study the special fish compatibility tables. These are excellent helpers that give confidence and insure. We encourage you to check them out!
The best choice for a beginner aquarist is a peaceful, unpretentious fish that requires standard care. Fortunately, there are many of them and many of them are very bright, active and beautiful. What you need for a spectacular aquarium!
The top 10 aquarium fish for beginners definitely include:
– goldfish,
— somiki,
— guppies,
— neon,
– gourami,
– swordsmen,
— danio
– barbs,
– mollies
— Pecilia.
All these fish are quite loyal to water parameters, unpretentious in nutrition and ideal for the first experience. But do not rush to collect them all in one aquarium, this is a very bad idea! It is better to choose 1-3 compatible varieties. For example, goldfish, guppies and catfish get along well together.
Every beginner should learn one golden rule: information first, then purchases. Do not purchase an aquarium, equipment, and especially pets until you have studied the necessary information and made your choice. Read forums, communicate with breeders and owners of fish. The more information you know, the less unpleasant surprises await you in the future.
Be careful, and your dream aquarium with happy fish will delight you every day!