What kind of cat to get: purebred or mongrel?
You have firmly decided that your house lacks a cat, and you are ready to go for a new friend even tomorrow. It remains to choose who you want to have: a purebred pet or a mongrel? Each of the options has its own advantages. A thoroughbred cat is likely to look and behave as expected by the standard. In addition, you will be able to show your pet at exhibitions. If you are inclined towards this option, it remains to choose a breed. There are no statistics on the most popular breeds in Belarus, since most cats are not registered anywhere, but, for example, in the USA, the top five most popular breeds are as follows:
- Persian.
- Maine Coon
- Siamskaya.
- Exotic Shorthair.
- Abyssinian.
To decide on the breed, it is worth studying all the available information, talking with breeders and owners, visiting exhibitions. So you can choose a pet that will best fit into your family and will match your character and lifestyle. On the other hand, a purebred cat can become an equally beloved family member. They are no less affectionate and beautiful than their thoroughbred relatives. In addition, they can “boast” of a larger gene pool, which often makes them healthier and mentally stable.
All cats are equally worthy of admiration, regardless of breed. In any case, if you are not going to breed cats (which is better left to professionals), it is worth spaying the pet – this will allow you to avoid a lot of trouble.