What is trimming for cats?
Care and Maintenance

What is trimming for cats?

One of the types of hair care is trimming, or plucking out dead hair. Train a kitten combing out necessary from an early age. Observe your pet, choose when he is least active, and try to introduce him to the comb. It is ideal to purchase accessories in specialized stores, but at first, during the training period, you can use an ordinary “human” comb, as long as the teeth are rounded and not very frequent.

When you begin to accustom the kitten to the procedure, first of all let him carefully sniff and touch the comb. The animal must make sure that this item is not dangerous, otherwise the whole procedure will cause negative emotions.

Then take the kitten on your knees or go to his bed and try to gently start combing. If the pet shows discontent, it is better to interrupt for a while. The main thing is not to scold a cat or a cat during the procedure.

When you accustom your cat to regular combing, you can already begin the trimming procedure, that is, the removal of dead hair. In long-haired animals, in addition to tangles due to uncombed undercoat, even eczema can begin, since matted wool creates the effect of a felt boot, under which the skin sweats. The coat of cats consists of outer hair and undercoat. The guard hairs have a certain life cycle, after which it is better to remove them. Of course, dead hair will fall off on its own, but this can lead to the formation of tangles (if it is not removed in time), and this will not add neatness to the animal.

In addition, after trimming, the new coat grows silkier and healthier (especially angora cats), but without this procedure, over time, animal hair can even change its color, for example, from snow-white to dirty white, and this will not be connected with dirt.

The trimming procedure is quite simple. Dead hairs are plucked with a special tool, some of them are trimmed to the level of the undercoat. For the animal, this is completely painless, despite the slightly intimidating word “plucking.” The fact is that dead hair no longer has nerve endings, and therefore is removed from the coat like ordinary dust. Problems can arise if the outer dead hairs get mixed up with the still living coat, which is why the trimming procedure for long-haired cats should be carried out regularly.

Some owners believe that a haircut can replace trimming and reduce the number of visits to the feline groomer. But this is an incorrect statement. These procedures are necessary in a complex, and do not replace each other at all. When shearing, the outer hairs are simply trimmed to the level of the undercoat, while dead hairs also remain in the coat. But trimming eliminates this problem.

Of course, it is best to leave the animal in the hands of a professional. But this, in addition to leading to additional costs, may not be liked by the pet itself, which does not like strangers or travel. Therefore, you can carry out the trimming procedure at home. Special accessories are available at any pet store, and you can choose the right trimmer for your cat by trial and error or by contacting a consultant. Just before you do the trimming yourself for the first time, it is better to ask a professional to show you exactly how to do it so as not to harm your pet and its coat.

Photo: Yandex.Images

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