What is the difference between a toy poodle and a toy poodle

What is the difference between a toy poodle and a toy poodle

The elegant poodle, with its soft curly coat, cannot be confused with any other dog. About the main differences – Hill’s experts.

Among the representatives of the breed, there are several varieties officially recognized by the FCI:

  • big poodle;
  • small;
  • dwarf;
  • toy poodle.

When choosing a pet, it is important to know how a poodle differs from a toy poodle.

History of the breed

France is officially recognized as the birthplace of poodles, but their images can be found on Greek and Roman coins and bas-reliefs of the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries. Initially, dogs of this breed accompanied a person in the hunt for waterfowl, and were also involved in searching for the wounded in wartime and even grazed sheep. But later, thanks to their high intelligence and pretty appearance, poodles became decorative companion dogs, especially popular with the nobility.

External features and differences

Curly soft coat, drooping ears, dark eyes – these are the distinctive features inherent in all representatives of the breed. And only dimensions allow to distinguish a toy poodle from a dwarf one:

  • the weight of the toy poodle does not exceed 7,5 kg, height – 28 cm at the withers;
  • the weight of a toy poodle can reach up to 8 kg, and height – up to 35 cm.

The rest of the external data of the breed are identical:

  • slightly stretched body, resembling a square;
  • thick, elastic coat;
  • convex skull, elongated muzzle;
  • red, black, white, brown or gray;
  • high set tail;
  • long legs with pronounced knee and elbow bends;
  • almond-shaped oblique eyes of a dark color;
  • the color of the nose and paw pads corresponds to the shade of the coat or black.

Character and habits

Toy and toy poodle are classic companions. These are sharp-minded dogs that need tough training. 

The poodle is energetic, active and infinitely devoted to his master. He will unquestioningly obey him and try his best to please. High intelligence, curiosity and observation allow the poodle to understand all the nuances of communication, read the mood of people and anticipate their desires.

All representatives of this breed are very contact, get along well with other animals. The only thing that can differ in the character of the toy poodle is some nervousness and cowardice, but this is corrected by proper upbringing. Like other toy breeds, poodles are great for living in a city apartment. You can read about other breeds that are ideal for keeping in an apartment here.

Maintenance and care

In order for the poodle to always look well-groomed and elegant, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of its coat – cut it on time, and also comb it at least three times a week. Poodles love water, so bathing is not a hassle, the main thing is to thoroughly comb the dog’s coat before starting water procedures.

Dogs of this breed need frequent physical activity, so you need to walk with them at least 2-3 times a day. Poodles love active games. It is useful to involve them in activities where the mind and body of the animal will be trained. And then the owners and their pets will establish an incredibly strong bond.

See also:

  • Information about the poodle breed and features of its character
  • Hypoallergenic Dogs: Why There Are No Allergenic Dogs
  • Top XNUMX smartest dog breeds
  • How to choose the right groomer for your dog

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