What is the difference between a serval cat and a savannah
When choosing a pet, many owners think about which breed to prefer. What is the difference between a serval and a savannah?
Some cats look like twin brothers, but they have completely different personalities and conditions. It also happens that animals are very similar, but at the same time one of them is wild, and the second is domestic. Serval and Savannah cats are just such a case.
The serval is a wild feline that is a predator. Representatives of the species are distinguished by a slender physique, long legs and quite impressive weight for a cat – up to 18 kg. In color, the serval is more like a cheetah, but in terms of physiological features it is closer to a lynx.
The color of the serval skin depends on the habitat: in some African regions, the spots on the fur of animals are small and light, while in others they are large and dark. There are absolutely black servals in Kenya. Animals live almost throughout Africa, preferring areas with bushes and avoiding desert places. They try to settle near water.
Serval skin is a commercial object, and cats are mercilessly exterminated. The northern serval has the status of “threatened species” in the Red Book. Also, these animals in some parts of Africa are destroyed due to the fact that they hunt poultry.
Savannah is a hybrid of a serval and a domestic cat. The breed began to breed in 1986 in America. The breeders wanted to create a large cat that looked like a wild cat, but at the same time friendly to people. The breed standard was adopted only in 2001. In 2015, this breed was recognized as the most expensive in the world.
Savannah weight reaches 15 kg – this is one of the largest domestic cats. The breed is tall and this is similar to its progenitor: the height of the animal at the withers can be up to 60 cm. Cats have thick hair with characteristic spots, long legs and a slender but muscular physique. The ears of cats are round, and the eyes have a brownish, golden or green tint. The wool of some animals resembles marble, there are also cats with snow-white or bluish hair.
Savannah, despite its height and weight, is distinguished by a calm character and friendliness to other pets. Those owners who want to get a representative of this breed will have to provide a place for the pet’s physical activity – this cat cannot sit still and needs constant activity and even walks.
The main difference between the serval and the savanna is that the savanna is a pet that is suitable for living in a house or apartment, and the serval is a wild and almost endangered species, the keeping of which in captivity is not recommended. A wild animal is not adapted to life in an apartment.
See also:
- Purebred to the claws: how to distinguish a British from an ordinary kitten
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