What do you need to keep a ferret?
Before you get a ferret, you need to purchase all the items necessary for its maintenance. In addition, nimble and inquisitive ferrets are passionate adventurers who will explore the territory with boundless enthusiasm and will definitely try everything that seems attractive to them. A responsible owner must make sure that nothing in the new house threatens the life and health of the pet.
In order for the ferret to feel good and comfortable in the apartment, he will definitely need a house where he will rest and sleep, food and various accessories.
The ferret house can be set up in a cage or just indoors. It should be cozy and warm, protecting the pet from drafts. It is very important to explain to the children in the family that they do not disturb the animal when he is resting in his house. The house is an alternative to a hole, a reliable shelter for a ferret, his personal space, and in it he should always feel completely safe.
The house must have a bedding so that the animal is comfortable and warm. As bedding, it is recommended to use special corn filler for rodents, sawdust, hay or just rags (for example, a ferret will be very happy with your old sweater). The advantage of corn litter and sawdust is that they are excellent absorbents. However, a large amount of sawdust can trigger asthma, and corn litter is still the best choice. Ferrets tend to like hay a lot because they love to dig in it, but hay is not very absorbent and doesn’t pick up odors much at all. Keep in mind that low-quality sawdust and hay can lead to parasite infestations and serious health problems for your pet. You should purchase special fillers from pet stores that have been processed.
Also, the ferret, of course, will need a feeder and drinker. It is best to choose metal bowls, because. they serve long and qualitatively. Keep in mind that some ferrets just love to splash in the water and, accordingly, often knock over the bowl. If your pet is one of these divers, get a wide, stable drinker or, alternatively, train him to drink from nipple rabbit drinkers.
Do you know what subject will inevitably make any, even the most fastidious ferret, happy? – That’s right, it’s a hammock! And you don’t even have to buy it, you can make it yourself, from strong fabric. A hammock can be hung in a cage or in a room – to your taste. And trust me, your pet will thank you!
Now let’s talk about the toilet. The best litter box for a ferret is a cat litter box. Preferably with high sides. Preferably closed to please the animal to the fullest. You can build walls and a canopy yourself, or you can simply put the tray in a spacious upside down box. And don’t forget about quality filler.
By the way, if your ferret, instead of doing his business, is too keen on digging in the litter, use the net.
So, we have listed the basic set of items that should be purchased before the ferret appears in the house. Over time, you will add to it. So, for example, you will need accessories for caring for a ferret (for example, shampoos, combs, a furminator, etc.) and, of course, a first-aid kit, which you definitely need to pack just in case. And do not forget to keep on hand the contacts of the nearest veterinary clinics, including round-the-clock ones.
Happy life to your pet!