What do snails live in an aquarium and at home
Many people like to have aquariums with various fish at home. In addition to them, snails are often bought. They are water and land. Not everyone knows that snails can eat not only crushed food. In their natural habitat, they like to eat tree bark, leaves, various fruits. But they prefer to eat such food after it becomes stale. This means that these mollusks have teeth, with which food is ground. In some species, the number of teeth reaches 10 thousand pieces. The teeth are located on the tongue, which resembles a long grater. And what can snails living at home and in aquariums eat?
What do snails eat in an aquarium
- After a certain time, the walls of the aquarium are covered organic plaque, which these individuals consume. The most important thing is to have algae planted in the aquarium. Many people think that snails eat fish, but this is a misconception.
- These clams love eat algae, and the larger their leaves, the better for them. If a large number of snails live in an aquarium, then they are able to destroy all underwater plants in a month. Algae are eaten very actively, which have time to rot a little, so snails are called aquarium orderlies.
- Can be in the aquarium for feeding sprinkle fresh herbs. Mollusks are very fond of dandelions and wild sorrel. Experts even recommend freezing these plants to feed them in the winter.
What do indoor snails eat?
In addition to the grasses and greens that house snails eat, there are other foods that are exclusively for terrestrial species. It can be some types of vegetables and fruits.
To feed snails that do not live in an aquarium, you can use the following vegetables: spinach, celery, lettuce and cabbage, peas, beans, carrots, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers, red peppers, rutabagas. Potatoes must be boiled. From cereals, oatmeal is allowed.
You can give these fruits: pineapples, apricots, mangoes, figs, papaya, pears, plums, apples. Bananas are allowed in small quantities. It is also allowed to feed strawberries, cherries, melons, grapes, avocados and watermelons.
Land species should be soldered with water. To do this, the walls of the terrarium are irrigated with clean water. It is best to feed snails in the evening because their activity increases at night.
You should know that food is added only when these mollusks have completely eliminated the previous portion. If the food rubbed on the surface begins to dry out, it should be removed. In winter, snails are fed little, only when they are awake.
What is forbidden to give snails
Snails living outside the aquarium strictly prohibited The following products:
- Marinated.
- Sour.
- Salty.
- Smoked.
- Acute.
- Fried.
- Sweet.
- Flavoring additives and spices.
Also, do not give them pasta and potato eyes.
Who are Achatina snails
Many contain Achatina snails at home. They have become very popular lately. They are quite large, inquisitive, not afraid of a person, but are drawn to him and require communication.
They do not live in an aquarium, but in a terrarium. They are able to distinguish who their owner is by voice and smell. They love to be picked up and begin to travel around a person, studying everything around. Their smooth and soft movements have a calming effect, and watching them helps to put the nervous system in order. Achatina do not require special care, it is only important to properly feed them.
What do Achatina snails eat
These mollusks feed on plant foods, but they can even taste meat. Basic food items:
- Carrot.
- Cucumbers.
- Cabbage.
If you feed this mollusk every day with the same product, he develops an aversion to it, so need variety in food.
Babies need to be fed shredded food. To do this, vegetables are cut and frayed. Do not give them soft foods, such as mashed banana or mashed apples. When they grow up a little, apples and cucumbers should only be cut. Adults can already eat large pieces and bits of food, in addition, they can already diversify their diet.
Very important feed Achatina products containing calciumwhich is needed to strengthen their shells. The lack of calcium makes the shell soft, it bends and is easily injured. All of its internal organs fit into this part of the body of the snail, so damage to the shell disrupts the life of Achatina and the mollusk may die. Also, calcium deficiency negatively affects the puberty of the snail. This necessary element is found in natural chalk and meat and bone meal, as well as in egg shells, buckwheat and oats.
Unusual foods that can please these mollusks include plants and herbs. These can be flowers of fruit trees growing in the country, nettle, yarrow, alfalfa, plantain, elderberry, forget-me-nots, meadow flowers. They should be collected outside the city, where they are not saturated with exhaust gases. Wash them thoroughly at home.
You can also feed Achatina mushrooms, baby food (vegetable and meat), sprouted oats, food for aquarium fish, ground peanuts, softened bread, fermented milk products. All of these foods must be free of sugar and salt. You can also give minced meat in any form.
Prohibited foods for Achatina snails are the same as for other land species.
Experts in this field recommend taking into account an important nuance – varied diet. Whatever the snail living outside the aquarium likes to eat, its menu should be regularly updated, excluding unwanted and spoiled foods. Products must be thoroughly washed before serving. Proper nutrition and care help your pet stay healthy and active.